One HealthTech Aberdeen Launch

One HealthTech Aberdeen Launch

This is a past event

We are launching our Aberdeen Hub of One HealthTech. We will discuss how we can promote and grow the Aberdeen health tech community, and ensure diversity is at its core.

One HealthTech is an global organisation that champions diversity in health technology. It started as a small meetup in London in 2015, and has now grown to have hubs all over the UK and internationally. 

A group of us at the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science thought it would be great to have our own hub in Aberdeen, and we're looking for people to join our community!

In North East Scotland we have a vibrant life sciences sector, and an increasing number of digital tech companies. One HealthTech Aberdeen aims to bring these two communities together, and enable tech companies to collaborate with academics and the NHS to develop innovative solutions to health and care problems.

We will run friendly and informal events that are welcoming to everyone, and we will encourage women and other under-represented groups in tech to attend. The format of the events could be anything the community wants: talks from experts on various health tech topics, career advice, hackathons, book clubs - please get involved and share your ideas and suggestions.

Please join us at our launch event!


18:00 – 18:20 Chat and pizza 

18:20 – 18:30 Intro to the One HealthTech community by Aberdeen Hub Curators 

18:30 – 19:10 Talks by Elena Giannaccini from the University of Aberdeen, and Katie Wilde from the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science

19:10 – 19:30 Group discussion about diversity in health tech & ideas for future events 

19:30 – 20:00 Chat and refreshments


Hosted by
One HealthTech Aberdeen
ONE Tech Hub

Sign up to join our community, and register to attend this free event.

Get in touch at if you want to reach out, find out more, get involved etc!