1936 Birth Cohort

1936 Birth Cohort

On 4th June 1947, as part of the Scottish Mental Survey, every Scottish schoolchild born in 1936 sat the same test of mental ability: the Moray House Test. In 1997, Professor Lawrence Whalley discovered the Scottish Mental Survey test records at the Scottish Council for Research in Education in Edinburgh and began to trace people who had sat the test in Aberdeen.

The Aberdeen Birth Cohort study was established to follow-up this cohort of individuals. Scotland is the only country in the world to have tested an entire age group in its mental abilities, thus providing a unique opportunity to track the effects of ageing, allowing researchers to compare intelligence in childhood and later life, looking at how the brain ages and the factors affecting this.

For the latest on the '36 cohort, read the newsletter.

1936s Participants

We are currently undertaking the 4th wave in this important long-term study. Information gathered from this wave will continue to help decipher how the human mind and brain ages. Details of this current stage can be seen by clicking on Information Sheet. To find out more about the people involved with the study please see Study Team tab below.

We are not trying to recruit any new people to the study. However we are contacting those men and women who have helped us before as we hope that they will be able to continue to take part in this new phase of the study. You will be familiar with many of the measures we are carrying out as these are repeated to map out how they change within individuals over time.

These include various neuropsychological tests of cognitive function and brain imaging, along with various measures of your physical fitness. There are also some new measures being taken at this new wave.

For Researchers

A Steering Committee has been set up which is responsible for the future preservation of the access to the Aberdeen Birth Cohort databases. If you are interested in accessing data from the studies further details can be found in Data Access tab below.

For an outline of what we have found so far please see our Publications tab below.