1921 Birth Cohort

In this section
1921 Birth Cohort

On 1st June 1932, as part of the Scottish Mental Survey, 87,498 Scottish schoolchildren born in 1921 sat the same test of mental ability: the Moray House Test. In 1997, the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh began to search for men and women still living in Scotland who took part in these tests.

On 1st June 1998, about 80 individuals gathered in the Aberdeen Music Hall to re-sit the test exactly 66 years later. Participants were followed-up 5 times over a 10 year period.

1921 Participants


Dr Chris Mcneil
Aberdeen Birth Cohort 1936 Study
University of Aberdeen
Lilian Sutton Building
University of Aberdeen
AB25 2ZD

Email: c.mcneil@abdn.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1224 438353

For Researchers

A Steering Committee has been set up which is responsible for the future preservation of the access to the Aberdeen Birth Cohort databases. If you are interested in accessing data from the studies further details can be found in Data Access.

For an outline of what we have found so far please see our Publications.