Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Thanks to the Networked Data Lab (NDL) funding from The Health Foundation we set up the ACHDS Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Group to have the public involved in every stage of the NDL projects in Grampian.

We have a really great group of 8 volunteers who work closely with us to support the NDL analyses, and also our wider research within the Centre.

ACHDS PPIE Partners: Norman Deans, Alan Johnstone, George Murray, Bārbala Ostrovska, Debora Paterson, Joyce Paul, Boyd Ross, Carol Vermeulen

During the pandemic we met online but as restrictions eased our meetings have been a combination of in-person and online.

Our PPIE Partners bring a wealth of insights from their experiences in work and life itself.

The ACHDS PPIE Partners have positive impacts on all stages of our research, working with us to:

  • Identify local priorities and ask the right research questions
  • Prepare better applications for research funding
  • Plan and develop local PPIE approaches
  • Develop a PPIE framework for health data studies across the NDL partnership
  • Design, manage and carry out our research as well as we can
  • Sense-check our interpretations of research results
  • Find the right language to communicate our research and make it accessible to everyone
  • Present our research in an understandable way
  • Contact individuals or groups of people to involve in specific research topics
  • Share our research findings as widely and effectively as possible
  • Develop plans to demonstrate the impact of our research

This is how some of our PPIE Partners have described their experience so far:

“I have always had an interest in medical research, particularly in how complex academic and medical applications and reports can be expressed in terms more suited to the general public, patients, families and carers. I am [..] keen to see dissemination of results and other information being made readily available to all sections of society. My role as a PPIE member of ACDHS has enabled me to carry this interest forward in a practical sense, whereby I can provide opinions, suggestions and reviews as a member of the public supporting a research team.

I feel my input is valued and acted upon when appropriate. I find the work to be very satisfying as a means of "giving something back" in my retirement."

“The initial meeting is a bit daunting because of the sheer amount of information to be absorbed and rationalised.”

“I am not sure that I have made any meaningful contribution but I have enjoyed the experience of participating which has been informative and thus made me consider the issues.”

“ of the most important things for me has been the privilege to work with such amazing people to make research more accessible since I know that for many it's seen as a black box not meant for them.

It's been an absolute pleasure attending each of the meetings and participating in the discussions!”

We are always looking for new perspectives to enrich our research. If you are keen to support health data being used for research to improve the health and care of our communities, and have a bit of spare time, and would like to get involved please get in touch. You could join our PPIE Group - we meet 3 or 4 times a year (in-person and online available) or more regularly depending on what the projects need, or you could help with specific projects or activities.

If you are interested or would like to hear more about any of our projects and how you might get involved, or if you are a health data researcher interested in working with the ACHDS PPIE Group and involving the public throughout your study, please get in touch with Sharon Gordon at 

What have we done so far?