Lesley Anderson

Lesley Anderson
Tell us about your role at the University. Lesley Anderson

I am Chair of Health Data Science within the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science. My role involves research, teaching, management and administration. I am leading research projects and programmes of research across a broad range of topic areas including cancer, artificial intelligence, public health and mixed methods research. I have established local, national and international reputation in the fields of precancerous conditions and blood cancer.

What brought you to the University of Aberdeen?

I was attracted to the University of Aberdeen due to the accessibility of healthcare data through the Grampian Data Safe Haven and the new Centre that was being established by Prof Corri Black linking the NHS and industry with academia. Additionally I was keen to live in the country and now have a 5 acre plot in which to grow vegetables.

What is your current focus?

My current focus is on establishing interdisciplinary research partnerships with academics, healthcare providers and industry locally, nationally and internationally in the areas of health data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) evaluation. I was Academic Lead in Grampian for the Industrial Centre for AI Research in Digital Diagnostics (2020-2023) leading research on how to effectively evaluate and translate AI solutions into the healthcare setting. I also lead the worlds largest case-control study of a myeloproliferative neoplasms (the MOSAICC study) bringing together research encompassing genomics, public health, pharmacoepidemiology and occupational epidemiology.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love the opportunity to meet with individuals from all walks of life. My research really is interdisciplinary in nature and no day is the same!

What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time to relax?

I enjoy watching movies although these tend to be children's movies. I also enjoy sewing - making bags, bowl cosies and reupholstery furniture. I also like gardening and am growing a lot of vegetables this year along with berries.

What made you choose this career?

I initially wanted to be a doctor but decided that I was more interested in understanding why someone gets sick and what we can do to stop it. My undergraduate degree was in Biomedical Science but I quickly realised that I wasn't very good in a laboratory and much preferred working with data.

If you could go back in time and choose a different career, what would you choose and why?

I wouldn't change the career path that I have taken. It certainly wasn't planned and it changed as opportunities presented themselves.

What do you think is the most challenging part about your job?

Multi-tasking! I am detail orientated and therefore like to have all information in front of me before making decisions - this isn't always practical when working as a Professor!

What is an accomplishment in life you are proud of?

I am proudest of my 3 children! I am also proud to have become a Professor within my early 40's despite having a family. It has not been easy but is extremely rewarding.

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

My parents! They haven't had life easy but have shown me how to be content with what we have, to never give up and to be kind to others. I am eternally grateful for their love and support.