Krzysztof Adamczyk

Krzysztof Adamczyk
Tell us about your role at the University.

I'm a Research Fellow at the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science

What brought you to the University of Aberdeen?

After a career in Oil and Gas, I embarked on an MRes in Social Research and after a year break started my PhD in Sociology which I'm still finalising.

What is your current focus?

My focus just now is working on a new data sweep of the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study. This includes data governance and permissions, developing the questionnaire, as well as all logistical tasks associated with this project. I'm involved in planning and delivering public engagement activities with the cohort. I'm also working on a systematic literature review of choroid plexus cysts and developmental and health outcomes in childhood and adolescents.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the degree of independence to pursue research that interests me and the flexibility in working.

What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time to relax?

I enjoy road cycling in the beautiful Aberdeenshire. I wouldn't have lasted so long in an office job without the ability to go out and be active as often as I want.

What made you choose this career?

I enjoy the independence, project management aspect of research, as well as the topics I get to work on. I'm lucky to get a job in academia before finishing my PhD, but I'm not entirely sure yet this is the career for me.

If you could go back in time and choose a different career, what would you choose and why?

I'd be a professional cyclist. Not sure if I'm genetically gifted enough though!

What do you think is the most challenging part about your job?

Managing a lot of projects at the same time. I also wish my work was much more collaborative.

What is an accomplishment in life you are proud of?

I'm a working-class immigrant who came to the UK with almost nothing. Look at me now - finishing a PhD and working in academia!

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

I'm a big fan of the late sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. And my undergraduate mentor who introduced me to him and the world of sociology.