Katie Wilde

Katie Wilde
Katie WildeTell us about your role at the University.

I'm Head of Digital Research, part of Digital and Information Services and its my role to ensure Researchers Digital Needs are supported. I'm also the Safe Haven Technical Lead and Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science Technical Director.

What brought you to the University of Aberdeen?

I joined as a Graduate Trainee (my family had moved up here) and started at the University building Access databases - some of which are still going.

What is your current focus?

My current focus is producing Strategies and Business plans for my teams and thinking about what we would like to achieve over the next five years and how that all aligns to the 2040 strategy.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Meeting lots of different people and being able to support and assist them with their work.

What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time to relax?

What spare time! I am an Exercise Leader, have taken up costal rowing and like to explore in my Campervan, in between that I like to knit.

What made you choose this career?

Not sure I choose it, I studied Mathematics and didn't think I would end up working for a University.

If you could go back in time and choose a different career, what would you choose and why?

I would have liked to have become a Police Officer, although they have such a tough job.

What do you think is the most challenging part about your job?

Juggling everyone's urgent to them projects.

What is an accomplishment in life you are proud of?

Running a half marathon, I'm not a runner and still don't quite like but its one of the things I am proud I did.

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

Lots of people...but my Mum showed me you could undertake education and a change of career at any point in your life.