2025: Graeme MacLennan is appointed as Director of the Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation (ACE) 2024: HSRU rebrands to become the Aberdeen Centre for Evaluation (ACE) Graeme MacLennan is appointed as interim Unit Director, and will be supported by the Executive Group After 29 years, Unit Director Craig Ramsay departs HSRU
Professor Graeme MacLennan and Pauline Garden complete 25 years with HSRU. Suzanne MacDonald completes 25 years with the University of Aberdeen and HSRU.
2023: Professor Marion Campbell and Dr Ruth Thomas completes 30 years with HSRU
2022: Katie Gillies is awarded the MRC Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship
Miriam Brazzelli leads a successful bid to become an NIHR Evidence Group. This is a prestigious 5-year grant that secures the Unit as one of nine new Evidence Groups across the UK.
Samantha Wileman, Quality Assurance Manager, completes 25 years with the University of Aberdeen.
2021: Staff at HSRU return to the office with most staff opting for a hybrid way of working.
Graeme MacLennan is inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT) Seonaidh Cotton is appointed CHaRT Senior Trial Manager
HSRU unit members mark working from home for one year with a photo montage 2020: Alison McDonald retires from HSRU
Since 19 March all HSRU staff are actively working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic Professor Craig Ramsay completes 25 years with HSRU Professor Vikki Entwistle rejoins HSRU as Professor in Health Services Research and Philosophy 2018: HSRU celebrates it's 30th Anniversary
Professor Marion Campbell , Alison McDonald and Dr Ruth Thomas completes 25 years with HSRU
2017: HSRU awarded the Queen's Anniversary Prize for sustained research excellence in healthcare research Professor Louise Locock joins HSRU as Professor in Health Services Research Professor Graeme MacLennan appointed as CHaRT Director Dr Katie Gillies appointed as HCA Director CHaRT successfully re-registered as a UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UK CRC) Registered Clinical Trials Units
2016: Professor Craig Ramsay is appointed as Unit Director Professor Lorna McKee retires from HSRU
Inaugural HSRU Conference 'Hot Topics in Health Services Research ' celebrates the life and work of Professor Adrian Grant.
2015: Professor Marion Campbell steps down as Director of HSRU.
Professor John Norrie is inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT)
2014: CHaRT celebrates its 10th Anniversary.
The NIHR Technology Assessment Review (TAR) contract is awarded for a further five years.
Alison McDonald is inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT) 2013: HSRU celebrates its 25th Anniversary.
Charis Glazener completes 25 years with HSRU whilst Marion Campbell, Alison McDonald and Ruth Thomas all complete 20 years.
Professor Marion Campbell is elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE).
Professor Lorna McKee is conferred with the Award of Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Professor Marion Campbell is inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT)
2011: Professor John Norrie appointed as CHaRT Director (Professor Jen Burr steps down as CHaRT Director).
Aberdeen Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group launched to undertake Evidence Syntheses for the NIHR HTA programme and NICE
Another successful CSO Review with the Unit being congratulated on its 'outstanding' performance over the previous five years.
2008: Professor Jen Burr appointed as CHaRT Director (Professor John Norrie steps down as CHaRT Director).
The Health Services Research return in the national research assessment exercise (RAE2008) is the highest scoring return for the University of Aberdeen and is joint top of the UK table in health services research. RAE confirmed that 80% of the research submitted was judged as internationally excellent/world class, with 100% of work identified as of international quality.
HSRU celebrates its 20th Anniversary.
2007: Professor Marion Campbell is appointed as Unit Director.
2006: A successful CSO review resulting in a further five years of funding.
HSRU moves to new, purpose-built accommodation within the Health Sciences Building, Foresterhill Campus.
2004: The Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials (CHaRT) is formally launched with Professor John Norrie as Director.
2001: The CSO reported that they were 'extremely impressed with the work of the Unit' following the five year review.
The Unit's work is consolidated into two larger, interlinking research programmes:
Health Care Assessment (HCA)
Delivery of Care (DOC)
1997: A successful CSO review with the Review Team commenting that the work of the Unit is 'extremely high quality' and is of 'national and international standing'.
Cochrane Collaboration Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group editorial base moved to the Unit
1996: Cochrane Incontinence Group Editorial Base is established in the Unit
1994: Adrian Grant appointed Director.
Senior staff appointed as Programme Directors for three areas of research:
Health Care Assessment
Mental Health Research
Effective Professional Practice1993: The CSO Review Team commented that 'the work of the Unit is highly satisfactory and achieved UK standing' and agreed the continuation of funding.
1988: The Unit formally opens with a staff of two Research Fellows and two Secretaries and a remit to:
study or evaluate clinical activities with a view to improving effectiveness and efficiency;
work for the implementation of proven changes in clinical activities;
encourage and support similar work throughout Scotland;
train NHS staff in Scotland, and others, in the principles and practice of health services research in general and health care evaluation in particular.
1987: Ian Russell appointed as Director of the Health Sciences Research Unit (HSRU).
1985: The Chief Scientist Office (CSO) invites Scottish Universities to submit bids for a new Health Services Research Unit.
Professors James Petrie and Elizabeth Russell submit a successful bid on behalf of the University of Aberdeen Medical School.