MERIT: MEasurement Reactivity In Trials

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MERIT: MEasurement Reactivity In Trials

This MRC-funded study reviewed the evidence on ‘measurement reactivity’ – the extent to which measures included in trials such as exercise monitors or questionnaires on diet may lead to changes in behaviour. Using consensus methods the project developed draft guidance on how best to address measurement reactivity. This is now under peer review by the National Institute for Health Research.





French DP, Miles LM, Elbourne DR, Farmer AJ, Gulliford MC, Locock L, Sutton S, McCambridge J & MERIT Collaborative group, Reducing bias in trials due to reactions to measurement: experts produced recommendations informed by evidence Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, vol. 139, pp. 130-139. 2021

French DP, Miles LM, Elbourne DR, Farmer AJ, Gulliford MC, Locock L, Sutton S, McCambridge J & The MERIT Collaborative Group, 'Reducing bias in trials from reactions to measurement: the MERIT study including developmental work and expert workshop, Health Technology Assessment, vol. 25, no. 55. 2021

Miles LM, Elbourne D, Farmer A, Gulliford MC, Locock L, McCambridge J, Sutton S, French DP. Bias due to MEasurement reactions in trials to improve health (MERIT): protocol for research to develop MRC guidance, Trials, vol. 19, 653. 2018