Projects A-Z
- All Projects
- A meta-ethnographic synthesis of studies reporting participant reasons for clinical drop-out
- Aberdeen Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDCRC) Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group
- Aberdeen-Belfast Evidence Collaboration (ABEC)
- ACORN: Asynchronous Consultation Research for the NHS
- Aerosol generating procedures and their mitigation in international guidance documents
- AI-TRiPS: Artificial Intelligence in Trauma Risk Prediction System trial
- ALLEGRO: A placebo controlled randomised trial of intravenous lidocaine in accelerating gastrointestinal recovery after colorectal surgery
- AMBER: Abdominal massage for bowel dysfunction effectiveness research
- AMETHYST: A multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial comparing a combination of methotrexate and mifepristone versus methotrexate alone as a medical treatment for tubal ectopic pregnancy
- ARCHERY-PATHWAY: Ai to Revolutionise the patient Care pathway in Hip and knEe aRthroplastY - PrioritisAtion of THose aWaiting hip and knee ArthroplastY
- ASICA: Achieving self-directed integrated Cancer Aftercare
- Baby boxes and parental capabilities: developing a measure of social outcomes
- BadRaP: Using behavioural science to understand and improve participation in clinical trials
- Behavioural interventions to improve clinical trial recruitment and retention
- BIBS: Benefits of incentives for breastfeeding and smoking cessation in pregnancy (BIBS): A mixed methods study to inform trial design
- BICS: Bisoprolol in COPD study
- BOOST: Behavioural Optimisation and Operational Strategies for Trials: The BOOST Approach
- Brentuximab Vedotin is recommended by NICE for treatment of relapsed or refractory systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL)
- BRIDGE-IT: A randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of bridging from emergency to regular contraception
- Bridging the translation gap between learning disability policy and practice in search of flourishing lives
- Building Rural-Urban healthCare Equity for Scotland (BRUCES) – a multi-methods research programme in cancer, musculoskeletal health and frailty
- “But why is that better?” An investigation of what applied philosophy and ethics can bring to quality improvement work in healthcare.
- Care in Funerals
- CASPER: Learning from healthcare professionals’ experiences of using remote consulting for ‘Care and Support Planning’ during COVID-19
- CATHETER II: Randomised Controlled Trial CompAring THE Clinical And CosT-Effectiveness Of VaRious Washout Policies Versus No Washout Policy In Preventing Catheter Associated Complications In Adults Living With Long-Term Catheters
- CATHETER: Types of urethral catheter for reducing symptomatic urinary tract infections in hospitalised adults requiring short-term catheterisation
- CF: Cysteamine in Cystic Fibrosis
- C-GALL: A randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with observation/conservative management for preventing recurrent symptoms and complications in adults with uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones
- Changing behaviour to enable the design and delivery of greener trials
- CHESS: The Children’s Early Self-Care Support (CHESS) Trial
- CLASS: Comparison of LAser, Surgery and foam Sclerotherapy
- Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Review Group
- ‘Come and work here!’ Exploring the role of local community-led initiatives to improve recruitment and retention of healthcare staff in remote and rural areas
- Complex designs in randomised clinical trials - a case study in dentistry
- Concept: SSM
- COv-VOICES: Long Covid: Amplifying the voices of people with lived experience to improve understanding, support, treatment and education.
- CSAW: Can Shoulder Arthroscopy Work? Is arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression (ASAD) more effective than arthroscopy only for shoulder pain?
- DART: Decision Aids in Randomised Trials - The Dart Study
- DECIDE: Developing and evaluating communication strategies to support informed decisions and practice based on evidence
- Designing and providing information support materials for urological cancer patients
- Developing and evaluating interventions to reduce inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in primary care
- Development of core clinical outcome measures for glaucoma interventions
- Development of core outcome set for symptomatic uncomplicated gallstone disease
- DIAMOND: Deep infiltrating endometriosis: management by medical treatment versus early surgery
- DRAM: Diagnostic Requesting Advisory Model
- DyNAMISM: Do Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce the appearance of sacroiliac joint bone marrow oedema on MRI, in spondyloarthritis?
- EAGLE: Effectiveness in Angle-closure Glaucoma of Lens Extraction
- Early planning: A qualitative study on the experiences of older adults and involved decision-makers planning for care transitions in Scotland
- ECLS study: Early Cancer detection test - Lung cancer Scotland
- EDNA: Early Detection of Neovascular Age-related macular degeneration
- Effect of outpatient pharmacists' non-dispensing roles on patient outcomes and healthcare professionals' prescribing patterns. A Cochrane Review update and application of the Behaviour
- ELECTRIC: ELECtric Tibial nerve stimulation to Reduce Incontinence in Care homes
- ELICIT: Development of a core outcome set for the EvaLuation of Interventions for informed Consent for randomIsed controlled Trials: The ELICIT Study
- Eliciting and incorporating patients’ opinions about missing data in randomised controlled trials
- ELIPSE: A randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of lymph node removal in patients undergoing curative surgery for localised high-risk Prostate Cancer
- EMPOWER: Early signs monitoring to prevent relapse and promote wellbeing, engagement and recovery
- Enhancing recruitment and retention of rural doctors in Scotland: a mixed-methods study
- Enzalutamide for treating metastatic hormone-relapsed prostate cancer not previously treated with chemotherapy
- ERA - Electronic Records in Ambulances
- ESP2: Estimating Site Performance 2
- Ethical and policy issues in cluster randomized trials
- eTHoS: Trial comparing stapled haemorrhoidopexy with traditional excisional surgery for haemorrhoidal disease
- EuroFIT - Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football
- Evaluating the behavioural intervention, organisational and health economic evidence base for adult obesity management
- Evidence-informed decision aids for clinical trial participation: a methodological investigation of core components and outcome measures
- Ewait: Effects of waiting times on quality of life, leisure activities and support needs in patients awaiting elective surgery in Scotland
- Experiences of patient and public involvement
- Feasibility of a multi-site RCT exploring mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to improve emotional wellbeing and glycaemic control among adults with type 1 diabetes
- Feasibility study for a weight loss intervention for women treated for breast cancer
- FILMS: Full thickness macular hole and Internal Limiting Membrane peeling Study
- FLAMINGO: Understanding the flow of zero day admissions to hospital: data linkage to inform priorities for future intervention along paediatric referral pathways
- FOCCUS: A Pragmatic Multi-Centred Randomised Controlled Trial of Surgical HDU Care versus HDU Care Delivered in an ICU and Pre-Operative Fluid Loading in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Elective Surgery
- FOCUS: Focusing On Clozapine Unresponsive Symptoms
- From policy to practice: An international comparison of approaches to systemic quality and safety
- FUTURE: Female Urgency, Trial of Urodynamics as Routine Evaluation; a superiority randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of invasive urodynamic investigations in management of women with refractory overactive bladder symptoms
- GAPS: Graduated compression as an Adjunct to Pharmacoprophylaxis in Surgery
- GATE: Glaucoma Automated Tests Evaluation
- Geospatial Evaluation of Systems of Trauma Care for Scotland
- GOOD GOALS: Improving access, efficiency and equity through family-centred goal setting: Good Goals intervention
- GOT-IT: A pragmatic group sequential placebo controlled randomised trial to determine the effectiveness of Glyceryl trinitrate for retained placenta
- GUIDE - Working with citizen scientists to improve GUideline Implementation in DEntistry
- HEALTH: Hysterectomy or Endometrial AbLation Trial for Heavy menstrual bleeding: A multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing laparoscopic supra-cervical hysterectomy with second generation endometrial ablation for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Health literacy, communication and the quality of health care
- HEALTH Longer Term Follow Up
- Ibrutinib for treating relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- IDENTIFY - The Investigation and Detection of Urological Neoplasia in Patients Referred with suspected urinary tract cancer: A multicentre cohort study
- IMOP: A randomised placebo controlled trial of outpatient cervical ripening with Isosorbide Mononitrate (IMN) prior to induction of labour - clinical trial with analyses of efficacy, cost effectiveness and acceptability
- IMPACT: Improving Abortion Care Trial
- Improved Data for Improved Outcomes Project
- Improvement without exception? An investigation of enactments of ‘Treatment as Prevention’ and strategies to enhance responsiveness to diverse priorities for wellbeing in HIV care
- Improving evidence-based dentistry
- Improving healthcare through advancing the evolution of audit and feedback
- Improving pre-funding peer review to increase the informativeness of randomized trials (INFORM)
- INCLUDE Ethnicity Framework: Ensuring that COVID-19 trials consider ethnicity
- INCLUDE Socioeconomic Framework for randomised trials: Ensuring that trial populations represent everyone
- INCLUDED: Promoting INCLUsivity through improving the practice anD utility of Ethnicity Data collection in trials (INCLUDED) – A qualitative study
- INITIAL: Involving patients and the public In sTatistIcal Analysis pLans
- INQUIRE: Improving NHS quality using internet ratings and experience
- InSTAR - Inhaled Steroids in ARDS (Pump Priming Work)
- Interrupted time series (ITS) evaluation
- IQuaD: Improving the Quality of Dentistry: A randomised controlled trial comparing oral hygiene advice and periodontal instrumentation for the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dentate adults attending dental primary care
- IRIS: Evidence-based Care of People with Dementia: Investigating Research Implementation Strategies
- I-TRAC: In-home Tracking of glaucoma: Reliability, Acceptability, and Cost: the I-TRAC Study
- It's trying to manage the work': a qualitative evaluation of recruitment processes within a UK multicentre trial (TISUQual)
- KAT: Knee Arthroplasty Trial
- KINDER – Kidney Inequalities: Needs, Data, Experiences, Response: Understanding and reducing inequalities in kidney health care and outcomes in Scotland
- KORAL: The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of arthroscopic lavage in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
- LAP HERNIA: Laparoscopic Techniques for Inguinal Hernia Repair
- LIFT: Lessening the Impact of Fatigue in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a randomised clinical trial
- Liverhope: Safety & tolerability of the combination of simvastatin plus rifaximin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis: a multicenter, double-bling, placebo controlled randomised clinical trial (Liverhope Safety and Efficacy)
- Making clinical trials more efficient: consolidating, communicating and improving knowledge of patient recruitment interventions
- Making it easier for trial teams to design inclusive trials
- MAmMOTH: The Maintaining Musculoskeletal Health Study
- Management of the open abdomen
- MAPS: Men After Prostate Surgery
- MASTER: Male synthetic sling versus Artificial urinary Sphincter for men with urodynamic stress incontinence after prostate surgery: Evaluation by Randomised controlled trial
- MAVIS: Randomised trial of Mineral And VItamin Supplementation
- MELLOW BABIES: Does "Mellow Babies" improve the psychosocial health of mothers and their children? The Mellow Babies Trial
- MERIT: MEasurement Reactivity In Trials
- MERIT: Minority ExpeRiences In Trials (MERIT): Understanding why ethnic minority groups are under-represented in trials through a rapid qualitative evidence synthesis, and mapping evidence to find solutions
- Methodological research on research integrity
- Methods for strengthening evaluation and implementation: specifying components of behaviour change interventions
- Mobile Bone Density Scanning Services in the UK: an implementation and outcome evaluation
- Monitoring Long Term Conditions in Primary Care
- MRC Search Filters Performance Project (MRC SFP)
- MRS/MRI: Systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and enhanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques in aiding the localisation of prostate abnormalities for biopsy
- MuM-PreDiCT: Pregnancy with two or more long term health conditions: a qualitative study of experiences and care
- Narrative accounts of primary care practitioners in a time of Covid-19
- NIAMI: Nitrites in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Normalization Process Theory
- OPAL: Optimising Pelvic floor exercises to Achieve Longterm benefits.
- Optimising the responsible use of antibiotics
- OPTIMISTIC. Observational prolonged trial in myotonic dystrophy type 1 to improve stamina, a target identification collaboration
- ORINOCO: Optimising Resource-use IN Outcome Collection – the ORINOCO Project
- PACFIND: Experiences of fibromyalgia
- PACT: Patient-centred trials (PACT): developing measures to improve the experience of people taking part in clinical trials
- PANDOS: Pain AND Opioids after Surgery
- PARTIAL – a randomised trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of complex PARTIAL vs radical nephrectomy for clinically localised renal cell carcinoma
- Participation in Physical Play in children with motor impairments
- Patient and Public Involvement in trials: defining a numerical aspect of trial- target difference
- PEG: Progression Evaluation in Glaucoma
- Person-centred care: conceptual understandings and practical implications
- PHOTO: PHOTOdynamic versus white light-guided treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: A randomised trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness
- PINpoINT: Patient and public INvolvement In target differeNces in Trials (The PINpoINT Study)
- PINT: Postnatal Incontinence Trial
- PIP: Pulpotomy for the management of Irreversible Pulpitis in mature teeth
- PIRRIST: Developing a Patient and public involvement Intervention to enhance Recruitment and Retention in Surgical Trials
- Plan A
- PoINT - Public involvement in Numerical aspects of Trials
- PoINT Programme: Public Involvement in Numerical aspects of Trials
- Point-of-care tests (CoaguChek system, INRatio2 PT/INR monitor and ProTime Microcoagulation system)
- POPPY: Pelvic Organ Prolapse PhysiotherapY
- PRaCTICaL: A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial of Intensive Care post-discharge review clinics in improving Longer-term Outcomes from critical illness.
- PRECIS-2. Pragmatic explanatory continuum indicator summaries
- PREP-AI-R: PREPare for the real-world evaluation of an Artificial Intelligent system for breast cancer scReening: The PREP-AI-R project
- PRESS: Protocol development for prioritised recruitment and retention strategies and Protocol and resources development for prioritised recruitment and retention strategies (PRESS)
- PrinciPILs
- PRioRITY II: Prioritising Retention in Randomised Trials
- PRISM: Paget's disease: a Randomised Trial of Intensive vs Symptomatic Management
- ProLong: The relationship of pregnancy and delivery with incontinence and prolapse - The ProLong Study
- PROSPECT: PROlapse Surgery: Pragmatic Evaluation and randomised Controlled Trial
- PUrE: The clinical and cost effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower calyx of the kidney:
- Quality and Safety in the NHS: Evaluating Progress, Problems and Promise
- QUIDS: Quantitative Fibronectin to help Decision-making in women with Symptoms of Preterm Labour
- RAACENO: Reducing Asthma Attacks in Children using Exhaled Nitric Oxide as a biomarker to inform treatment strategy - a randomised trial
- RAPID Trial
- REBALANCE: Systematic review and integrated report on the quantative, qualitative and economic evidence base for the management of severe obesity
- RECAP: REporting Clinical trial results Appropriately to Participants
- Recommendations for the re-opening of dental services: a rapid review of international sources
- RECORD: Randomised Evaluation of Calcium and / OR vitamin D
- REFLECT: A Randomised controlled trial to Evaluate the effectiveness and cost benefit of prescribing high dose fluoride toothpaste in preventing and treating dental Caries in high-risk older adulTs
- REFLUX: Randomised Evaluation oF Laparoscopic sUrgery for refluX
- REGAL: Recurrence of Endometriosis: A randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues with add-back hormone replacement therapy versus repeat Laparoscopic surgery
- REINFORCE: Real-World Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Surgical Services
- REINFORCE WP1: Real-World Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Surgical Services (REINFORCE): Work Package 1 - Optimisation of RAS implementation and scale up (WP1)
- Remote and rural healthcare: Pilot study to investigate experiences, differences and changes to medical care for people living in remote and rural areas of Scotland.
- Research Into the Prevalence and Causes of Prescribing Errors Made by Junior Doctors
- Rethinking Missing Data with Patients: Creation of a patient-informed analysis using MIA (Missing Information Analyser)
- RoboCOS: What outcomes are important for evaluating robotic assisted surgery as a service-level change? An outcome mapping exercise to inform core outcome set development
- ROMEO: Systematic reviews and integrated report on the quantitative and qualitative evidence base for the management of obesity in adult men (ROMEO, Review Of MEn and Obesity, project)
- SBT: Scottish Back Trial
- SCARLESS: Single Centre Appendectomy RCT: Laparoscopic vs Endoscopic Single-port Surgery
- SCOOP: Development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among 0-8 year olds
- Screening and overdiagnosis communication and ethics
- SCRIPT: Selective Caries Removal In Posterior Teeth
- Sharing decision-making with adults with learning disabilities
- Sharing information with children and young people about genetic risk
- SHARPS: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered, relational, harm reduction intervention to improve mental health, quality of life, and related outcomes, for people experiencing homelessness and substance use problems: The ‘SHARPS’ cluster randomised controlled trial
- SIGNET: Scottish multicentre trial of glutamine and selenium supplemented parenteral nutrition for critically ill patients
- SIMS: Single-incision adjustable mini-slings versus standard tension-free mid-urethral slings in the management of stress urinary incontinence: a pragmatic multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial
- ‘Soft’ Intelligence and Online Patient Feedback: Using Care Opinion for NHS Quality Improvement in Scotland
- SPIROMAC: SPIROmetry to Manage Asthma in Children
- STARS: Scottish Trial of Arthroplasty or Reduction for Subcapital fractures
- START: Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment of Trials
- STEER: Systematic Techniques to Enhance Retention in RCTs: The STEER Project
- STOPPIT: STudy Of Progesterone for the Prevention of preterm birth In Twins
- STOPPIT-2: An open randomised trial of the Arabin pessary to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancy, with health economics and acceptability
- Strategies to improve retention in randomised trials
- STRIDE: SupporTing Recruitment and retention Improvements for Diverse Ethnicities
- SuDDICU: Selective Decontamination of the Digestive tract in critically ill patients treated in Intensive Care Unit
- Summit-D: Support through mobile messaging and digital health technology for diabetes
- Surveillance for Ocular Hypertension
- SUSPEND: Use of drug therapy in the management of symptomatic ureteric stones in hospitalised adults: a multicentre placebo controlled randomised trial of calcium channel blockers (nifedipine) and alpha blockers (tamsulosin)
- SWATs and SWARs
- Systematic review of personalised care planning for adults with chronic or long term conditions
- Systematic reviews of selected nutritional supplementation interventions
- Tackling Inequalities in Access to Screening Services - NHS Grampian
- TAGS: Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study. A multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing primary medical treatment with primary trabeculectomy for people with newly diagnosed advanced glaucoma
- The application of psychological interventions (including mindfulness based approaches) to health and illness
- The clinical and cost-effectiveness of Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip for the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic review and economic evaluation
- The development, exercise and recognition of practical wisdom in contemporary healthcare provision
- The FOLLOW UP study - a natural experiment comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of follow-up strategies after radical treatment for prostate cancer
- The relationship between perceived decision difficulty, decision time and decision quality in General Practitioners' decision-making
- THISTLE: Improving intrapartum outcomes for mothers and babies in Scotland: a stepped-wedge RCT of an intrapartum emergencies training package in 15 Scottish maternity units
- TiPTAP: Audit and feedback with or without Training in-Practice Targeting Antibiotic Prescribing: a Cluster Randomised Trial in Dental Primary Care
- TISU: Therapeutic Interventions for Stones of the Ureter
- Tools to help reviewers make equity, diversity and inclusion assessments (PRO-EDI)
- TOPKAT: Total or Partial Knee Arthroplasty Trial
- TOPSY: A multicentre randomised controlled trial, with nested process evaluation, to test the clinical and cost-effectiveness of self-management of vaginal pessaries to treat pelvic organ prolapse, compared to standard care to improve women's quality of life
- Towards improvement in care delivery in Huntington's disease (HD)
- TRIADS: Translation Research in a Dental Setting (TRIADS) programme
- TRIAL FORGE: a systematic approach to making trials more efficient
- TRIP: Implementation of trial methods research: a study of challenges and opportunities
- TRUCK: Explanatory comparative study of conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty versus Robotic assisted Bi-UniCompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
- TWICS: Theophylline with inhaled corticosteroids
- UK REBOA: A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness, of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) for trauma
- UK TAVI: The United Kingdom Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Trial
- UKUFF: The United Kingdom Rotator Cuff Trial
- Understanding and using people’s experiences of social care to guide service improvements:could an effective and efficient co-design approach be translated from health to social care?
- Understanding experiences of recruiting and participating in the 100K Genomes Project
- Understanding experiences of research or of clinical trials
- Understanding family experiences of inherited motor neurone disease – a secondary analysis of qualitative research to develop a new resource for patients, families and clinicians on the Healthtalk website
- Understanding family experiences of inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - a qualitative study
- Using behavioural approaches to optimise antibiotic stewardship in hospitals
- Using Care Opinion for patient-centred quality improvement
- Using self-administered health monitoring technologies to support the self-management of long-term conditions
- US-PEx: Understanding how NHS frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement
- What are the key challenges and opportunities for mounting a trial of prehospital REBOA? A behavioural diagnosis to inform a definitive evaluation
- What did I miss?
- What do researchers think of and want from the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE): a qualitative study
- What is the best way to avoid recruitment and retention problems in trials?
- Working with community groups to understand and increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake among ethnic minority groups in the UK
- Ongoing
- Aberdeen Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDCRC) Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Group
- Aberdeen-Belfast Evidence Collaboration (ABEC)
- AI-TRiPS: Artificial Intelligence in Trauma Risk Prediction System trial
- AMETHYST: A multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial comparing a combination of methotrexate and mifepristone versus methotrexate alone as a medical treatment for tubal ectopic pregnancy
- BadRaP: Using behavioural science to understand and improve participation in clinical trials
- BOOST: Behavioural Optimisation and Operational Strategies for Trials: The BOOST Approach
- Building Rural-Urban healthCare Equity for Scotland (BRUCES) – a multi-methods research programme in cancer, musculoskeletal health and frailty
- “But why is that better?” An investigation of what applied philosophy and ethics can bring to quality improvement work in healthcare.
- Changing behaviour to enable the design and delivery of greener trials
- CHESS: The Children’s Early Self-Care Support (CHESS) Trial
- Early planning: A qualitative study on the experiences of older adults and involved decision-makers planning for care transitions in Scotland
- Eliciting and incorporating patients’ opinions about missing data in randomised controlled trials
- ELIPSE: A randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of lymph node removal in patients undergoing curative surgery for localised high-risk Prostate Cancer
- Evaluating the behavioural intervention, organisational and health economic evidence base for adult obesity management
- Ewait: Effects of waiting times on quality of life, leisure activities and support needs in patients awaiting elective surgery in Scotland
- Experiences of patient and public involvement
- Improvement without exception? An investigation of enactments of ‘Treatment as Prevention’ and strategies to enhance responsiveness to diverse priorities for wellbeing in HIV care
- Improving evidence-based dentistry
- Improving pre-funding peer review to increase the informativeness of randomized trials (INFORM)
- INCLUDE Socioeconomic Framework for randomised trials: Ensuring that trial populations represent everyone
- INCLUDED: Promoting INCLUsivity through improving the practice anD utility of Ethnicity Data collection in trials (INCLUDED) – A qualitative study
- KAT: Knee Arthroplasty Trial
- KINDER – Kidney Inequalities: Needs, Data, Experiences, Response: Understanding and reducing inequalities in kidney health care and outcomes in Scotland
- Making it easier for trial teams to design inclusive trials
- MASTER: Male synthetic sling versus Artificial urinary Sphincter for men with urodynamic stress incontinence after prostate surgery: Evaluation by Randomised controlled trial
- Methodological research on research integrity
- MuM-PreDiCT: Pregnancy with two or more long term health conditions: a qualitative study of experiences and care
- PACT: Patient-centred trials (PACT): developing measures to improve the experience of people taking part in clinical trials
- PANDOS: Pain AND Opioids after Surgery
- PARTIAL – a randomised trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of complex PARTIAL vs radical nephrectomy for clinically localised renal cell carcinoma
- Patient and Public Involvement in trials: defining a numerical aspect of trial- target difference
- PINpoINT: Patient and public INvolvement In target differeNces in Trials (The PINpoINT Study)
- PIP: Pulpotomy for the management of Irreversible Pulpitis in mature teeth
- Plan A
- PoINT - Public involvement in Numerical aspects of Trials
- PoINT Programme: Public Involvement in Numerical aspects of Trials
- PRESS: Protocol development for prioritised recruitment and retention strategies and Protocol and resources development for prioritised recruitment and retention strategies (PRESS)
- ProLong: The relationship of pregnancy and delivery with incontinence and prolapse - The ProLong Study
- PROSPECT: PROlapse Surgery: Pragmatic Evaluation and randomised Controlled Trial
- PUrE: The clinical and cost effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower calyx of the kidney:
- REFLECT: A Randomised controlled trial to Evaluate the effectiveness and cost benefit of prescribing high dose fluoride toothpaste in preventing and treating dental Caries in high-risk older adulTs
- REGAL: Recurrence of Endometriosis: A randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues with add-back hormone replacement therapy versus repeat Laparoscopic surgery
- REINFORCE: Real-World Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Surgical Services
- Rethinking Missing Data with Patients: Creation of a patient-informed analysis using MIA (Missing Information Analyser)
- SCRIPT: Selective Caries Removal In Posterior Teeth
- SHARPS: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered, relational, harm reduction intervention to improve mental health, quality of life, and related outcomes, for people experiencing homelessness and substance use problems: The ‘SHARPS’ cluster randomised controlled trial
- SIMS: Single-incision adjustable mini-slings versus standard tension-free mid-urethral slings in the management of stress urinary incontinence: a pragmatic multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial
- SPIROMAC: SPIROmetry to Manage Asthma in Children
- STRIDE: SupporTing Recruitment and retention Improvements for Diverse Ethnicities
- SuDDICU: Selective Decontamination of the Digestive tract in critically ill patients treated in Intensive Care Unit
- SWATs and SWARs
- TAGS: Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study. A multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing primary medical treatment with primary trabeculectomy for people with newly diagnosed advanced glaucoma
- The FOLLOW UP study - a natural experiment comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of follow-up strategies after radical treatment for prostate cancer
- THISTLE: Improving intrapartum outcomes for mothers and babies in Scotland: a stepped-wedge RCT of an intrapartum emergencies training package in 15 Scottish maternity units
- TiPTAP: Audit and feedback with or without Training in-Practice Targeting Antibiotic Prescribing: a Cluster Randomised Trial in Dental Primary Care
- Tools to help reviewers make equity, diversity and inclusion assessments (PRO-EDI)
- TOPSY: A multicentre randomised controlled trial, with nested process evaluation, to test the clinical and cost-effectiveness of self-management of vaginal pessaries to treat pelvic organ prolapse, compared to standard care to improve women's quality of life
- TRIADS: Translation Research in a Dental Setting (TRIADS) programme
- TRIAL FORGE: a systematic approach to making trials more efficient
- TRUCK: Explanatory comparative study of conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty versus Robotic assisted Bi-UniCompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
- UK TAVI: The United Kingdom Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Trial
- Understanding experiences of research or of clinical trials
- Completed
- A meta-ethnographic synthesis of studies reporting participant reasons for clinical drop-out
- ACORN: Asynchronous Consultation Research for the NHS
- Aerosol generating procedures and their mitigation in international guidance documents
- ALLEGRO: A placebo controlled randomised trial of intravenous lidocaine in accelerating gastrointestinal recovery after colorectal surgery
- AMBER: Abdominal massage for bowel dysfunction effectiveness research
- ARCHERY-PATHWAY: Ai to Revolutionise the patient Care pathway in Hip and knEe aRthroplastY - PrioritisAtion of THose aWaiting hip and knee ArthroplastY
- ASICA: Achieving self-directed integrated Cancer Aftercare
- Baby boxes and parental capabilities: developing a measure of social outcomes
- Behavioural interventions to improve clinical trial recruitment and retention
- BIBS: Benefits of incentives for breastfeeding and smoking cessation in pregnancy (BIBS): A mixed methods study to inform trial design
- BICS: Bisoprolol in COPD study
- Brentuximab Vedotin is recommended by NICE for treatment of relapsed or refractory systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL)
- BRIDGE-IT: A randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of bridging from emergency to regular contraception
- Bridging the translation gap between learning disability policy and practice in search of flourishing lives
- Care in Funerals
- CASPER: Learning from healthcare professionals’ experiences of using remote consulting for ‘Care and Support Planning’ during COVID-19
- CATHETER II: Randomised Controlled Trial CompAring THE Clinical And CosT-Effectiveness Of VaRious Washout Policies Versus No Washout Policy In Preventing Catheter Associated Complications In Adults Living With Long-Term Catheters
- CATHETER: Types of urethral catheter for reducing symptomatic urinary tract infections in hospitalised adults requiring short-term catheterisation
- CF: Cysteamine in Cystic Fibrosis
- C-GALL: A randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with observation/conservative management for preventing recurrent symptoms and complications in adults with uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones
- CLASS: Comparison of LAser, Surgery and foam Sclerotherapy
- Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Review Group
- ‘Come and work here!’ Exploring the role of local community-led initiatives to improve recruitment and retention of healthcare staff in remote and rural areas
- Complex designs in randomised clinical trials - a case study in dentistry
- Concept: SSM
- COv-VOICES: Long Covid: Amplifying the voices of people with lived experience to improve understanding, support, treatment and education.
- CSAW: Can Shoulder Arthroscopy Work? Is arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression (ASAD) more effective than arthroscopy only for shoulder pain?
- DART: Decision Aids in Randomised Trials - The Dart Study
- DECIDE: Developing and evaluating communication strategies to support informed decisions and practice based on evidence
- Designing and providing information support materials for urological cancer patients
- Developing and evaluating interventions to reduce inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in primary care
- Development of core clinical outcome measures for glaucoma interventions
- Development of core outcome set for symptomatic uncomplicated gallstone disease
- DIAMOND: Deep infiltrating endometriosis: management by medical treatment versus early surgery
- DRAM: Diagnostic Requesting Advisory Model
- EAGLE: Effectiveness in Angle-closure Glaucoma of Lens Extraction
- ECLS study: Early Cancer detection test - Lung cancer Scotland
- EDNA: Early Detection of Neovascular Age-related macular degeneration
- Effect of outpatient pharmacists' non-dispensing roles on patient outcomes and healthcare professionals' prescribing patterns. A Cochrane Review update and application of the Behaviour
- ELECTRIC: ELECtric Tibial nerve stimulation to Reduce Incontinence in Care homes
- ELICIT: Development of a core outcome set for the EvaLuation of Interventions for informed Consent for randomIsed controlled Trials: The ELICIT Study
- EMPOWER: Early signs monitoring to prevent relapse and promote wellbeing, engagement and recovery
- Enhancing recruitment and retention of rural doctors in Scotland: a mixed-methods study
- Enzalutamide for treating metastatic hormone-relapsed prostate cancer not previously treated with chemotherapy
- ERA - Electronic Records in Ambulances
- ESP2: Estimating Site Performance 2
- Ethical and policy issues in cluster randomized trials
- eTHoS: Trial comparing stapled haemorrhoidopexy with traditional excisional surgery for haemorrhoidal disease
- EuroFIT - Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football
- Evidence-informed decision aids for clinical trial participation: a methodological investigation of core components and outcome measures
- Feasibility of a multi-site RCT exploring mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to improve emotional wellbeing and glycaemic control among adults with type 1 diabetes
- Feasibility study for a weight loss intervention for women treated for breast cancer
- FILMS: Full thickness macular hole and Internal Limiting Membrane peeling Study
- FLAMINGO: Understanding the flow of zero day admissions to hospital: data linkage to inform priorities for future intervention along paediatric referral pathways
- FOCCUS: A Pragmatic Multi-Centred Randomised Controlled Trial of Surgical HDU Care versus HDU Care Delivered in an ICU and Pre-Operative Fluid Loading in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Elective Surgery
- FOCUS: Focusing On Clozapine Unresponsive Symptoms
- From policy to practice: An international comparison of approaches to systemic quality and safety
- GAPS: Graduated compression as an Adjunct to Pharmacoprophylaxis in Surgery
- GATE: Glaucoma Automated Tests Evaluation
- Geospatial Evaluation of Systems of Trauma Care for Scotland
- GOOD GOALS: Improving access, efficiency and equity through family-centred goal setting: Good Goals intervention
- GOT-IT: A pragmatic group sequential placebo controlled randomised trial to determine the effectiveness of Glyceryl trinitrate for retained placenta
- HEALTH: Hysterectomy or Endometrial AbLation Trial for Heavy menstrual bleeding: A multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing laparoscopic supra-cervical hysterectomy with second generation endometrial ablation for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Health literacy, communication and the quality of health care
- Ibrutinib for treating relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
- IDENTIFY - The Investigation and Detection of Urological Neoplasia in Patients Referred with suspected urinary tract cancer: A multicentre cohort study
- IMOP: A randomised placebo controlled trial of outpatient cervical ripening with Isosorbide Mononitrate (IMN) prior to induction of labour - clinical trial with analyses of efficacy, cost effectiveness and acceptability
- IMPACT: Improving Abortion Care Trial
- Improved Data for Improved Outcomes Project
- Improving healthcare through advancing the evolution of audit and feedback
- INCLUDE Ethnicity Framework: Ensuring that COVID-19 trials consider ethnicity
- INITIAL: Involving patients and the public In sTatistIcal Analysis pLans
- INQUIRE: Improving NHS quality using internet ratings and experience
- InSTAR - Inhaled Steroids in ARDS (Pump Priming Work)
- Interrupted time series (ITS) evaluation
- IQuaD: Improving the Quality of Dentistry: A randomised controlled trial comparing oral hygiene advice and periodontal instrumentation for the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dentate adults attending dental primary care
- IRIS: Evidence-based Care of People with Dementia: Investigating Research Implementation Strategies
- I-TRAC: In-home Tracking of glaucoma: Reliability, Acceptability, and Cost: the I-TRAC Study
- It's trying to manage the work': a qualitative evaluation of recruitment processes within a UK multicentre trial (TISUQual)
- LAP HERNIA: Laparoscopic Techniques for Inguinal Hernia Repair
- LIFT: Lessening the Impact of Fatigue in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a randomised clinical trial
- Liverhope: Safety & tolerability of the combination of simvastatin plus rifaximin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis: a multicenter, double-bling, placebo controlled randomised clinical trial (Liverhope Safety and Efficacy)
- Making clinical trials more efficient: consolidating, communicating and improving knowledge of patient recruitment interventions
- MAmMOTH: The Maintaining Musculoskeletal Health Study
- Management of the open abdomen
- MAPS: Men After Prostate Surgery
- MAVIS: Randomised trial of Mineral And VItamin Supplementation
- MELLOW BABIES: Does "Mellow Babies" improve the psychosocial health of mothers and their children? The Mellow Babies Trial
- MERIT: MEasurement Reactivity In Trials
- MERIT: Minority ExpeRiences In Trials (MERIT): Understanding why ethnic minority groups are under-represented in trials through a rapid qualitative evidence synthesis, and mapping evidence to find solutions
- Methods for strengthening evaluation and implementation: specifying components of behaviour change interventions
- Mobile Bone Density Scanning Services in the UK: an implementation and outcome evaluation
- Monitoring Long Term Conditions in Primary Care
- MRC Search Filters Performance Project (MRC SFP)
- MRS/MRI: Systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and enhanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques in aiding the localisation of prostate abnormalities for biopsy
- Narrative accounts of primary care practitioners in a time of Covid-19
- NIAMI: Nitrites in Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Normalization Process Theory
- OPAL: Optimising Pelvic floor exercises to Achieve Longterm benefits.
- Optimising the responsible use of antibiotics
- OPTIMISTIC. Observational prolonged trial in myotonic dystrophy type 1 to improve stamina, a target identification collaboration
- ORINOCO: Optimising Resource-use IN Outcome Collection – the ORINOCO Project
- PACFIND: Experiences of fibromyalgia
- Participation in Physical Play in children with motor impairments
- PEG: Progression Evaluation in Glaucoma
- Person-centred care: conceptual understandings and practical implications
- PHOTO: PHOTOdynamic versus white light-guided treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: A randomised trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness
- PINT: Postnatal Incontinence Trial
- PIRRIST: Developing a Patient and public involvement Intervention to enhance Recruitment and Retention in Surgical Trials
- Point-of-care tests (CoaguChek system, INRatio2 PT/INR monitor and ProTime Microcoagulation system)
- POPPY: Pelvic Organ Prolapse PhysiotherapY
- PRaCTICaL: A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial of Intensive Care post-discharge review clinics in improving Longer-term Outcomes from critical illness.
- PRECIS-2. Pragmatic explanatory continuum indicator summaries
- PREP-AI-R: PREPare for the real-world evaluation of an Artificial Intelligent system for breast cancer scReening: The PREP-AI-R project
- PrinciPILs
- PRioRITY II: Prioritising Retention in Randomised Trials
- PRISM: Paget's disease: a Randomised Trial of Intensive vs Symptomatic Management
- Quality and Safety in the NHS: Evaluating Progress, Problems and Promise
- QUIDS: Quantitative Fibronectin to help Decision-making in women with Symptoms of Preterm Labour
- RAACENO: Reducing Asthma Attacks in Children using Exhaled Nitric Oxide as a biomarker to inform treatment strategy - a randomised trial
- RAPID Trial
- REBALANCE: Systematic review and integrated report on the quantative, qualitative and economic evidence base for the management of severe obesity
- RECAP: REporting Clinical trial results Appropriately to Participants
- Recommendations for the re-opening of dental services: a rapid review of international sources
- RECORD: Randomised Evaluation of Calcium and / OR vitamin D
- REFLUX: Randomised Evaluation oF Laparoscopic sUrgery for refluX
- REINFORCE WP1: Real-World Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Surgical Services (REINFORCE): Work Package 1 - Optimisation of RAS implementation and scale up (WP1)
- Remote and rural healthcare: Pilot study to investigate experiences, differences and changes to medical care for people living in remote and rural areas of Scotland.
- Research Into the Prevalence and Causes of Prescribing Errors Made by Junior Doctors
- RoboCOS: What outcomes are important for evaluating robotic assisted surgery as a service-level change? An outcome mapping exercise to inform core outcome set development
- ROMEO: Systematic reviews and integrated report on the quantitative and qualitative evidence base for the management of obesity in adult men (ROMEO, Review Of MEn and Obesity, project)
- SBT: Scottish Back Trial
- SCARLESS: Single Centre Appendectomy RCT: Laparoscopic vs Endoscopic Single-port Surgery
- SCOOP: Development of an intervention to increase physiotherapy adherence among 0-8 year olds
- Screening and overdiagnosis communication and ethics
- Sharing decision-making with adults with learning disabilities
- Sharing information with children and young people about genetic risk
- SIGNET: Scottish multicentre trial of glutamine and selenium supplemented parenteral nutrition for critically ill patients
- ‘Soft’ Intelligence and Online Patient Feedback: Using Care Opinion for NHS Quality Improvement in Scotland
- STARS: Scottish Trial of Arthroplasty or Reduction for Subcapital fractures
- START: Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment of Trials
- STEER: Systematic Techniques to Enhance Retention in RCTs: The STEER Project
- STOPPIT: STudy Of Progesterone for the Prevention of preterm birth In Twins
- STOPPIT-2: An open randomised trial of the Arabin pessary to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancy, with health economics and acceptability
- Strategies to improve retention in randomised trials
- Summit-D: Support through mobile messaging and digital health technology for diabetes
- Surveillance for Ocular Hypertension
- SUSPEND: Use of drug therapy in the management of symptomatic ureteric stones in hospitalised adults: a multicentre placebo controlled randomised trial of calcium channel blockers (nifedipine) and alpha blockers (tamsulosin)
- Systematic review of personalised care planning for adults with chronic or long term conditions
- Systematic reviews of selected nutritional supplementation interventions
- Tackling Inequalities in Access to Screening Services - NHS Grampian
- The application of psychological interventions (including mindfulness based approaches) to health and illness
- The clinical and cost-effectiveness of Elucigene FH20 and LIPOchip for the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic review and economic evaluation
- The development, exercise and recognition of practical wisdom in contemporary healthcare provision
- The relationship between perceived decision difficulty, decision time and decision quality in General Practitioners' decision-making
- TISU: Therapeutic Interventions for Stones of the Ureter
- TOPKAT: Total or Partial Knee Arthroplasty Trial
- Towards improvement in care delivery in Huntington's disease (HD)
- TRIP: Implementation of trial methods research: a study of challenges and opportunities
- TWICS: Theophylline with inhaled corticosteroids
- UK REBOA: A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness, of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) for trauma
- UKUFF: The United Kingdom Rotator Cuff Trial
- Understanding and using people’s experiences of social care to guide service improvements:could an effective and efficient co-design approach be translated from health to social care?
- Understanding experiences of recruiting and participating in the 100K Genomes Project
- Understanding family experiences of inherited motor neurone disease – a secondary analysis of qualitative research to develop a new resource for patients, families and clinicians on the Healthtalk website
- Understanding family experiences of inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - a qualitative study
- Using behavioural approaches to optimise antibiotic stewardship in hospitals
- Using Care Opinion for patient-centred quality improvement
- Using self-administered health monitoring technologies to support the self-management of long-term conditions
- US-PEx: Understanding how NHS frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement
- What are the key challenges and opportunities for mounting a trial of prehospital REBOA? A behavioural diagnosis to inform a definitive evaluation
- What do researchers think of and want from the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE): a qualitative study
- What is the best way to avoid recruitment and retention problems in trials?
- Working with community groups to understand and increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake among ethnic minority groups in the UK
- PhD
- Changing behaviour to enable the design and delivery of greener trials
- Complex designs in randomised clinical trials - a case study in dentistry
- Early planning: A qualitative study on the experiences of older adults and involved decision-makers planning for care transitions in Scotland
- Eliciting and incorporating patients’ opinions about missing data in randomised controlled trials
- Ewait: Effects of waiting times on quality of life, leisure activities and support needs in patients awaiting elective surgery in Scotland
- IDENTIFY - The Investigation and Detection of Urological Neoplasia in Patients Referred with suspected urinary tract cancer: A multicentre cohort study
- Improvement without exception? An investigation of enactments of ‘Treatment as Prevention’ and strategies to enhance responsiveness to diverse priorities for wellbeing in HIV care
- Interrupted time series (ITS) evaluation
- Making clinical trials more efficient: consolidating, communicating and improving knowledge of patient recruitment interventions
- Making it easier for trial teams to design inclusive trials
- Mobile Bone Density Scanning Services in the UK: an implementation and outcome evaluation
- The relationship between perceived decision difficulty, decision time and decision quality in General Practitioners' decision-making
- Towards improvement in care delivery in Huntington's disease (HD)