I have lived a challenging life with lots of bumps along the way. I helped look after our son who was born with several disabilities, which allowed us the experience of talking to specialists and clinicians, we did this for just over 20 years before he passed away. I survived Cancer in 1999 and now live with the side effects of a damaged stomach which makes everyday life very difficult and sometimes painful.
I left school and served my time as a mechanic for a local construction company, then started to learn people to drive, before changing roles and becoming a Driving Examiner. Testing on all vehicles that had more than 2 wheels. If it doesn't have a wheel in each corner, then I wasn't interested. During this time, I also became a trainer at their training centre at Cardington Bedford. I carried out these duties for over 17 years and was part of the permanent staff for several years. As my time is my own, I volunteer both at the ARI and RGU clinical skills, helping students along their way to qualifications. I also look forward to time with my family including special time with my Granddaughter Abby.