HSRU offers student work placements to current University of Aberdeen students wishing to improve their knowledge and experience in a research-focused environment.
This year we welcome 8 student interns, 4 working on projects with the CHaRT programming team and 4 working on Health Services Research projects.
Valerio Bucci, Julia Zięba, Hilaron Osemudiame Dawodu and Marcin Woznicki have commenced their internships with the CHaRT Programming team and have provided an insight into their projects.
Valerio Bucci
My name is Valerio Bucci and I am currently a first year student in Computing Science. I am one of the interns at HSRU CHaRT CHaRT Programming team along with Hilaron, Julia and Martin.
My work consists in creating a web portal such that users across different trials can access their information in one place. One of the major concerns is to implement a decent user interface with the aim of making the website as much intuitive and usable as possible.
Along with aesthetics, my job includes the server side of the project, with particular care on data encryption and security, to preserve server’s integrity and avoid users’ personal data to be stolen and used for malicious purposes.
Julia Zięba
My name is Julia Zięba and I am a 2nd year MSci Computing Science student at the University of Aberdeen. I am a summer intern at HSRU CHaRT Programming Team.
During this 8-week program I am working together with my colleague Valerio on developing a web-based ePRO(electronic patient reported outcomes) system for clinical trial participants. The aim of this project is to make documentation management and communication with the trial team easier for participants. The part I am working on consists of designing and developing an internal messaging system and an informational page displaying important events during the course of a trial.
Hilaron Osemudiame Dawodu
Hey, my name is Hilaron Osemudiame Dawodu and I’m a 3rd year Electrical and Electronic engineering BEng student. I’m currently in a 12-week internship program at the HSRU. Working with the HSRU CHaRT programming team. For the first 8 week I have been working on ESP2, estimating site performance 2. This project aims to anonymously gather information from trial managers about sites they have visited. The information can then later be used to predict a sites performance as it pertains to hitting recruitment targets. For the remaining 4 weeks I will be working alongside interns Valerio Buccci and Julia Zieba on ePRO system.
Marcin Woznicki
My name is Marcin Woznicki and I am a 4th year student of MSci in Computing Science here in the University of Aberdeen. During my 1 year industrial placement in the Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials. I will be working on improving the systems used for clinical trials. My primary goal in CHaRT is to redesign the database structure, centralise the code logic behind the randomisation services, and develop an intuitive mobile application to perform these randomisations remotely. Our team is aiming to make the process of conducting and managing trials easier, while maintaining strong integrity and safety of the trial’s research data.
Welcome to all our student interns and we hope you enjoy your placement with HSRU.