Page 9 of 1281 to 90 of 119 Past Events
Explorathon 2017 - the 'Explorapolo' trial
-HSRU's Public Engagement Group (PEG) will be 'science busking' in Aberdeen's Golden Zone (outside M&S in Aberdeen city centre) this Friday as part of Explorathon 2017.
Methodological Workshop: Experience-based co-design
-Experience-based co-design: the development and adaptation of a quality improvement intervention since 2005
May Festival
-The Public Engagement Group will be running a mock clinical trial (the Polo Trial).
HSRU and CHaRT work highlighted at ICTMC2017
-4th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference, held jointly with the 38th Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting
Methodology Workshop with James Littlejohn: Building Living Cohorts, Computationally Active Living Knowledge Network Secured by a Science Blockchain
-This workshop will be of particular interest to those working in clinical trials, big data/tech, data visualisation and citizen science and those who are interested in developing/embracing new techniques for data collection and analysis, particularly in clinical trials, through peer to peer collaboration and ‘living health’. Facilitator: James Littlejohn, DSensor/Cyber Academy James...
5th Annual Research Symposium
-Evidence for sustainability: Exploring the current evidence underpinning ways to create sustainable health and care systems
HSRU Methodology Workshop
-Working with SMEs, community interest companies and football clubs on a large-scale international research project