Benefits of Staying with us
The University offers a wide range of accommodation available from standard and en-suite rooms to flats. And with Hillhead Student Village being only a short walk from the main campus and a quick bus ride away from the city centre, living on-campus is truly part of the University and Student Life experience!
Read more in our downloadable Feel at Home guide.
So what are the benefits of staying with us?
- We guarantee that first years will always be accommodated with other first years
- 24 hour, 7 days a week senior management and friendly face presence, responding to and assisting with everything from being locked out, a blocked drain or just someone to talk to
- Although just a short 10 minute walk to the main academic campus, Hillhead Student Village enjoys great transport links with a regular & direct bus service to our King's and Foresterhill campuses and the City Centre
- A range of flexible accommodation payment plans are available
- Guaranteed accommodation for all new students
- Priority access to a range of facilities
- Bike storage located at Hillhead, King's and Elphinstone Road
- Living on campus is truly part of the University and Student Life experience
- Finally, you'll have just one friendly and sympathetic point of contact for all matters learning, welfare and accommodation
What else is included?
- The rents are all inclusive - no surprise heating or electricity bills
- Unlimited and free Wi-Fi
- Fast and responsive on-site maintenance team
- Security - our accommodation sites have extensive CCTV, as well as 24/7 team members who undertake regular patrols through the night
- Ample and free parking at Hillhead Student Village
- Access to a range of facilities which include study rooms and outdoor gym
- Fun Events? We've loads... and they're great!
Here to support you
A team of Student Resident Assistants (SRAs) are on duty 6pm-early hours, 7 nights a week. They are based in the Hillhead Student Village to look after the welfare of students:-
- Drop in facility for any welfare concern (e.g. homesickness, exam worries)
- Can act as mediators in flat disputes
- Friendly confidential support, can sign post to appropriate services
And now the fun stuff
It's not just about studying! The team on site organise lots of events and workshops which everyone can attend and participate in, whether on their own or with a group.
- Movie and popcorn nights
- Arts and crafts
- Exercise classes