In this section

See our handy list of frequently asked questions.

Moving In

Please check the section "collection of keys" for information on where to collect your keys from.

If you are arriving at Hillhead by car, please take the first left as soon as you are through the main entrance and follow the road round until you find an appropriate parking space. As the site will be extremely busy there will be additional restrictions regarding unloading vehicles near to your accommodation. Please ensure you follow the instructions provided by staff to ensure that moving in is as seamless as possible for every student.

We want to make your check in to your new home as simple as possible. In order for us to do this, we have listed everything you need to have completed before you can pick up your keys.

  • You must have accepted an offer of accommodation. This involves e-signing the terms and conditions and the schedule via eAccommodation Portal
  • You must have paid the £100 pre-payment fee. This can be done online via the eAccommodation Portal or by getting in touch with the Accommodation Office
  • You must have completed the 20-part eInduction via eAccommodation - it must be completed, having started it is not acceptable. This requirement is noted in your terms and conditions which must be accepted prior to starting the eInduction.
  • All outstanding debts to the University must be settled prior to your arrival whether they be accommodation related or not.
Accommodation Queries


Alcohol Free Block

A selected block within Keith House is alcohol free, no alcohol is allowed in the accommodation also no friends who visit can bring alcohol and any parties held there must be alcohol free. Please note that you will be required to adhere to specific terms and conditions.

Bathroom Facilities

All our properties are either shared bathroom facilities or en-suite.

Bicycle Storage

There are cycle sheds at Hillhead.

A code for the bike sheds can be obtained from the Reception at New Carnegie Court at the Hillhead Student Village. The code is changed for each academic year to guarantee security and any bikes remaining at the end of the summer term are disposed of.

For reasons of fire safety, bicycles must not be stored inside buildings or obstruct access to and from buildings. Bicycles found inside the building will be removed.

Persistent offenders may be subject to disciplinary action. All bikes must be removed on the last day of the summer term. Bikes will be disposed of after this date. Bicycles should not be ridden on the pathways around campus.

Car Parking

There is FREE parking at Hillhead Student Village.

There is no designated resident parking on campus at Elphinstone Road Flat or King's Hall. Parking Restrictions apply on Campus. Parking Charge Notices (PCN) of £60 could be issued to vehicles parked in contravention of the parking regulations.

Collection of Keys

Keys can be collected from the date that your contract commences, please do not arrive before this date before checking with the Accommodation Office.

For students moving into Grant Court, Hector Boece Court, Keith House, North Court, South House, New Carnegie Court, Adam Smith House and Fyfe House, key collection will be at the reception at Headspace at Hillhead Student Village, Don Street, Old Aberdeen which is open 24/7.

Students moving into King's Hall or Elphinstone Road flats will be able to collect keys from the reception at Headspace at the Hillhead Student Village on Don Street, Old Aberdeen.

If you are taking a taxi, you should ask the driver to wait for you while you collect your key and then they will be able to take you to your accommodation which is a short drive away from the Hillhead Student Village.

The telephone number for the reception at the Hillhead Student Village is +44 (0)1224 274000



Residents will be charged for any damage (which they do not record on the online inventory at the start of the Accommodation Agreement period) in their bedroom and a share of non-attributable damages in communal areas of the flat or house.

It is therefore important that residents complete the online inventory form on arrival.

Details of damages and costs are given in the Your Home Booklet which is available on the eAccommodation Portal.


We have a range of adapted flats available for students with a disability. If you require adjustments while at the University of Aberdeen, you should also contact the Student Advice and Support Office for further discussion, if you haven't already done so.

Disciplinary Procedure

Under the University's Code of Practice on Student Discipline (non-academic), residents whose behaviour is held to be unacceptable may be referred for investigation as stipulated in the above code. Where the actions are considered a breach of the students living agreement, the accommodation manager may choose to offer the option of a fixed financial penalty for a first offence, ranging from £25 to £200, depending on severity.


It is vital that you register with a local doctor within two weeks of your arrival in Aberdeen. Please click this link for more information.

The Student Advice and Support Office located on the second floor of the Students' Union Building is able to provide leaflets detailing local GP surgeries - please feel free to call in and pick one up.

Electrical Equipment

All University owned electrical equipment is checked for safety and will display a sticker indicating when it was last tested.

Students are not permitted to bring into University accommodation any electrical equipment which is electrically unsafe or for which safety cannot be proved. Any portable electrical equipment brought into the residences must have a sealed and factory fitted plug top.

Fire Arm

Fire arms or other weapons (or their replicas) must neither be brought onto, nor stored on site. Any firearm or weapon (or their replica) found on site will be removed and may be reported to the Police and the breach of this regulation will be treated as a serious disciplinary matter.

Fire Equipment
  • Fire fighting equipment must not be used except in the case of fire
  • If you are concerned about a piece of fire fighting equipment, report it at the reception desk at New Carnegie Court
  • Never tamper with fire detection, fire alerting or fire fighting equipment

Fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, break glass alarm call points, fire exit signs, etc. are all provided to protect life and property.

It is a criminal act to interfere with, misuse or remove any such equipment.

It is always the correct action to set off the fire alarm system if you believe there is a fire, however the setting off of the fire alarm system in any other circumstances is viewed extremely seriously by the University, by the Fire Brigade and by the Police and may lead to those responsible facing prosecution.

Fire Prevention

To minimise the risk of fire, some items are banned from Hall and some must only be used and stored in the kitchen area.

It is your responsibility to have all electrical items PAT tested to minimise risk of fire.

The University reserves the right to inspect any electrical appliance or connection which it has reason to believe could be unsafe.

Any banned item found, or any restricted item found being stored in a study bedroom, will be removed and may be collected at any time for removal from the site. The use of barbeques and the letting off of fireworks on site are not permitted.

Banned items

  • Electric Heater of any type (including radiant, convector, fan assisted, oil filled)
  • Gas Heater / Burner
  • Electric Deep Fat Fryer
  • Gas Lamps
  • Candles (any type) and incense sticks
  • Pizza ovens
  • Shisha pipes

Please also ensure that any electrical appliances with continental plugs are replaced with approved UK plugs or used with an approved UK adaptor to minimise the risk of power overload, high voltage and fire.

Restricted items for use within kitchen area only

  • Slow Cooker / Rice Boiler
  • Sandwich Maker
  • Hotplates and Grills Toasters

Fire Safety Video

Make sure that you have watched the fire safety video.

If you discover a fire or the fire alarm has been activated, you must leave the building as quickly as possible, closing doors and windows, and make your way to the muster point. You must familiarise yourself with the escape routes, exits and muster points displayed in your room and in communal areas.

The preservation of an unobstructed escape route is essential in the event of a fire.

  • Fire doors must not be kept wedged open
  • Corridors must be kept free of obstruction
  • Bulky equipment such as surfboards, which (like bicycles) might impede evacuation of the building in an emergency, are not permitted in the building

What to do if you hear the fire alarm?

Raise the alarm at the nearest break glass point. Leave the building, closing doors and windows and go to the daytime muster point. Find the person in charge and give details of the location of the fire. Remain outside the building until you are told it is safe to re-enter.

Fire Alarm Testing

Routine testing of the fire alarm system is carried out each Wednesday in the accommodation. You are not required to leave the building during this test, which will be a series of short rings; however if the alarm sounds constantly, you should treat this as an active alarm and evacuate the building.


All University accommodation furniture complies with the stringent fire safety regulations.


UoA Gaming is available in ALL University student accommodation for University of Aberdeen students.

This is a new wireless service that allows any device that is incapable of using 802.1x authentication (e.g. PlayStation, Apple TV etc.) to connect to a wireless service other than Eduroam.

For more information please download the UoA-Gaming user guide.


Use of water pistols, water bombs, laser guns, laser pens, and other equipment which the Resident Student Assistant deems potentially detrimental to the welfare of residents or others is not permitted. Action may be taken if these items are continually used on site.

HMO (House of Multiple Occupation) Licence

All University of Aberdeen student accommodation has a current HMO Licence which is issued by Aberdeen City Council.

Insurance for Personal Property

Confirm your FREE contents insurance

Your contents. Covered.

By partnering with Endsleigh , the No.1 student insurance provider, we've arranged free contents insurance for all our students staying with us.

It is important all students confirm their cover to ensure you understand what is and isn't covered. Plus you'll also be entered into a prize draw specifically for University of Aberdeen students, courtesy of Endsleigh!

Visit confirm your cover to see:

  • What is and what isn't covered
  • Key exclusions - where cover isn't provided
  • Policy excess - the amount you pay when you make a claim
  • How to make claim
  • Personalise cover

We understand students have a limited budget so Endsleigh have launched brand new, unique student insurance options. They have been designed to cover the risks that you may encounter whilst living in student accommodation and away from home.

Internet Access

Each bedroom within University of Aberdeen student accommodation has wireless internet access.

Further information is available at www.abdn.ac.uk/wireless.


It is vital that you complete the online inventory form within 7 days of moving in, as failure to do so could result in residents being charged for damage not caused by them.

You will be sent an email once you have moved into the accommodation reminding you to do so, this is completed via the eAccommodation Portal.

A room inspection can be arranged prior to departure. Keys must be handed in immediately after inspection.

You can do this online via your eAccommodation portal.


Room keys/keycards are issued to all residents and must be returned and at the end of the academic year.

A charge of £23.00 will be made for any key/keycard not returned at the end of your contract. You may be charged rent for the accommodation up to the date that your keys are returned.

You are responsible for the safekeeping of your key/keycard.

If you are going out and are worried about the safety of your keys, you can leave them at the Reception for safekeeping, you can also hand them in during the Easter/Christmas break and collect them when you return.

Should you lose your keys/keycard, replacements can be obtained from the Reception and a charge will be made.

Lease / Contract

At the conclusion of your lease you must vacate your room by 10am and take all of your belongings with you.

Anything left in the rooms beyond the day of departure will be disposed of.


A mattress protector is provided for hygienic purposes and must NOT be removed.

Duvets, pillows, sheets and towels are not provided.


The Hillhead launderettes are open 24 hours. The machines are operated by adding credit to the Circuit Plus app on your smartphone.

Please note that laundry facility charges will increase on an annual basis. You will also be able to view the availability of the washing and drying machines online.

No drying of clothes in rooms is permitted.

Lost Property

Lost property found on the premises is held for up to one month. Lost property can be reclaimed from the reception desk. Items of value are passed to the lost property division of the Police within one week of being found.


Motorcycles must not be ridden on the pedestrian paths leading between buildings on campus as it is dangerous and the paths are not designed to take this traffic.

Motorcycle owners should refrain from making excessive engine noise, and from carrying out any repairs on campus.


If you are planning a party, consider your neighbours and the consequences. Ideally parties should be held on a Friday or Saturday night and make sure you keep the noise down.

Be very careful who you invite as there is a limited amount of space in your room/flat and be aware of gatecrashers as you will be held responsible for their behaviour!

Personal Safety

It is important for residents to be vigilant at all times. If you see anything suspicious, contact Reception or University Security tel (27) 3327. This will help us maintain a safe environment. Except in an emergency situation it is an offence to enter or leave any room via the window.

The University does not permit representatives from external companies or bodies to enter the accommodation blocks with the purpose of soliciting for business. If you are aware of anyone who is leaflet dropping or knocking on doors please inform a member of staff at Reception immediately.

Plugs for Electrical Appliances

UK approved plugs and adaptors must be used in conjunction with all electrical equipment. This applies specifically to international students where plugs will differ in voltage/amps.

These can be purchased from the Bear Essentials on the ground floor of the Students' Union.

Failure to do so increases the risk of fire and is in breach of Health and Safety policies.


Residents are not permitted to keep pets or animals within or near the residences or any of the grounds belonging to the University.

Postal Services

Mail for Elphinstone Road and Kings Hall residents will be delivered directly to the flats.

Mail is delivered directly to your flat at the Hillhead Student Village with the exceptions below:

New Carnegie Court, Wavell House, Fyfe House and Adam Smith: Mail can be collected from designated mailboxes located inside the entrance of each building.

Adam Smith, Wavell House and Fyfe House: collect parcels from the reception desk at the Central Building.

Amazon locker collections are located close to the entrance of the lower ground floor in the Headspace/Central building.

Please note that mail arriving in the summer will be returned to the sender.

If you are leaving student accommodation permanently you can arrange to have your mail redirected by the Post Office

Reception contact details

The telephone number for the reception desk is as follows:

  • Hillhead reception, Central Building (24/7)
  • +44 (0)1224 274000 (ext 4000)

  • King's Hall & Elphinstone Flats
  • +44 (0)1224 274000 (ext 4000)
Post Codes

The post addresses of the accommodation are as follows:

Adam Smith House, Fyfe House, Wavell House, Keith House
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
Aberdeen AB24 1WU

250-315 Hector Boece Court
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
AB24 1WN

North Court, 133-169 North Court
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
AB24 1WP

South House, 170 - 206 South House
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
AB24 1WQ

Carnegie Court, 1-75 Carnegie Court
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
AB24 1WJ

Carnegie Court, 76-105 Carnegie Court
University of Aberdeen
Don Street,
AB24 1WL

Elphinstone Flats
University of Aberdeen
Elphinstone Road,
AB24 3UT

Kings Hall
University of Aberdeen
College Bounds,
AB24 3AD

Posters and leaflets

If you would like a poster to be displayed in student accommodation you should take it to the Reception desk who will authorise it and arrange for its display. All unauthorised posters will be removed and destroyed.

Leaflets and flyers are not permitted to be handed out or left without prior permission. Anyone found handing out or leaving leaflets for nightclubs, promoters, societies etc could face disciplinary action. If you are unsure if you are allowed to leave flyers, please ask at the reception desk for clarification.

Any posts on Facebook regarding nightclubs or promoters will be removed and the user will be removed from the Group or Facebook page.

Pre payment

A pre payment of £100 is required to be paid.

This is part of the first instalment of rent but is paid in advance when the accommodation is accepted. (ie the contract is accepted online).

Private / Family Accommodation

The University does not keep a registered list of private accommodation. No private properties have been inspected by University staff therefore the University is unable to give any recommendation, endorsement or guarantee in regard to any private property, property owner or agent.

To assist you in finding suitable private property, self-catering accommodation can be arranged for you during the months of June, July and August (one-week minimum charge). We regret that the University is unable to extend temporary accommodation beyond late August.

The Housing Office offers family accommodation and can be emailed at housing@abdn.ac.uk.

The Student Accommodation Office can help by providing a list of local solicitors and estate agents who may be able to assist in locating appropriate accommodation.

Information regarding alternative accommodation can also be obtained from the Students' Association, they can be e-mailed at infoadvice@abdn.ac.uk

Quiet Block

A selected block within Keith House is specified as a quiet block.

No loud music is allowed, all televisions, mobiles etc must be kept a quiet volume, no parties are allowed and no large groups of friends can visit you.

Please note that you will be required adhere to specific terms and conditions.

Reference for Private Accommodation

Many landlords will require references before you move into a privately rented property.

On condition that whilst living in University accommodation, you have paid your rent on time, have not been guilty of antisocial behaviour and have treated the property with respect, the Student Accommodation Office will be able to provide one.

Please email the Student Accommodation Office on studentaccomm@abdn.ac.uk, giving as much notice as possible and they will be happy to provide this on your behalf.

Refuse and Recycling

If your waste-paper bin is full, it should be emptied into the large bin in the pantry. Neither litter nor any other items should be thrown out of windows. Residents caught throwing anything out of a window may face disciplinary proceedings.

Broken glass or other sharp objects should not be placed in any bin within your accommodation. It should be placed into a recycling bin, or placed in a box or well wrapped in newspaper, and put into an external refuse bin. Other sharp objects should be either placed in a box or well wrapped in newspaper, and put directly into an external refuse bin.

There are glass, textile, books and paper recycling bins located both on the Hillhead and Old Aberdeen sites. Please use these recycling bins, as all other waste goes into landfill.

Special textile collections are made throughout the year for any unwanted clothing you no longer need. Whatever state its in, we collect it as part of our Bags to Future initiative so look out for the blue bag!

Please note that all personal electrical items must be removed from your room prior to final departure. Some items are collected and gifted to local charities so look out for the information on this. If these have not been removed, disposal/charge will apply


You are strongly advised to lock your door whenever you leave your room, even if you only expect to be gone for a few minutes.

Leaving your room door open is giving the opportunist the few minutes needed to steal from you. All windows should be kept closed when the room is unoccupied.

The University will accept no liability for loss of, or damage to, the property of residents and you are strongly advised to take out appropriate insurance cover, University staff reserve the right to check the identity of any person on site.

Failure to provide identification when asked to do so will be regarded as a serious disciplinary offence.


The University operates a non-smoking policy, you are therefore not allowed to smoke in University owned or managed accommodation.

You MUST go outside to smoke.

Please note that this policy includes electronic cigarettes/vaping

Smoke Detectors

All rooms are equipped with smoke detectors and there is detection equipment in stairwells, corridors and kitchens.

These detectors activate the fire alarm, which will in turn cause the Fire Brigade to attend. The detectors may be activated by smoking materials e.g. cigarettes, and burning food.

The Fire Brigade will not tolerate being called out to a false alarm, as it may delay their attendance at a real emergency.

Please note that anyone caught covering or tampering with smoke detectors will incur an automatic fine of £50 and any future similar incident will lead to disciplinary action.

To minimise the risk of false alarm you must:

  • Never leave cooking food or cooking equipment which is switched on unattended
  • Ensure that the kitchen door is closed and the fan is on, or the window is open whilst cooking

Please see section on Smoking.

Student Resident Assistants (SRAs)

A team of Student Resident Assistants are based at the Hillhead Student Village to look after the welfare of residents

You can go to them with any welfare concern you might have; homesickness, exam worries, relationship or family problems, tensions between flatmates or simply if you need someone to talk to in confidence. They provide friendly, confidential support and can point you in the direction of appropriate professional services.

During Welcome Week, the SRAs will hold welcome meetings with your floor or block, and help you draw up some basic agreements with your fellow residents on issues like noise, parties, cleaning.

They will also organise fun events for you throughout the year so that you will have plenty of opportunities to meet other residents and chill out together. If you have ideas on what events you would like to see in halls make sure you let them know.

Events in accommodation and on campus: Visit the event section of the “For Students” website.

On duty 6pm-until the early hours, contact reception at 01224 274000
email - residentassistants@abdn.ac.uk


Our team provide a 24/7 service, dealing with a wide variety of issues including lockouts, noise complaints, security, and maintenance. The student resident team, who work during the night and at weekends, are available to help with any welfare issues and also organise social events.

Television Licence

Residents who have televisions in their rooms are required by law to obtain a television licence. It is not possible for the University to obtain one television licence to cover all televisions in the residential buildings.

Useful Numbers

A list of useful numbers is available here.


All utilities are included in your rent. No surprise heating or electrical bills.

Your Guide to Living in Accommodation

A digital guide to living in accommodation can be viewed via the eAccommodation Portal.

Make sure you read this as it covers the DO's and DON'Ts of living in University Accommodation.