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Page 66 of 82 Results 651 to 660 of 817

  • Human single-chain variable fragment that specifically targets arthritic cartilage

    Hughes, C., Faurholm, B., Dell'Accio, F., Manzo, A., Seed, M., Eltawil, N., Marrelli, A., Gould, D., Subang, C., Al-Kashi, A., De Bari, C., Winyard, P., Chernajovsky, Y., Nissim, A.

    Arthritis & Rheumatism, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1007-1016

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Yap is a novel regulator of C2C12 myogenesis

    Watt, K. I., Judson, R., Medlow, P., Reid, K., Kurth, T. B., Burniston, J. G., Ratkevicius, A., De Bari, C., Wackerhage, H.

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol. 393, no. 4, pp. 619-624

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Toward cell therapy using placenta-derived cells: disease mechanisms, cell biology, preclinical studies, and regulatory aspects at the round table

    Parolini, O., Alviano, F., Bergwerf, I., Boraschi, D., De Bari, C., De Waele, P., Dominici, M., Evangelista, M., Falk, W., Hennerbichler, S., Hess, D. C., Lanzoni, G., Liu, B., Marongiu, F., McGuckin, C., Mohr, S., Nolli, M. L., Ofir, R., Ponsaerts, P., Romagnoli, L., Solomon, A., Soncini, M., Strom, S., Surbek, D., Venkatachalam, S., Wolbank, S., Zeisberger, S., Zeitlin, A., Zisch, A., Borlongan, C. V.

    Stem Cells and Development, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 143-154

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Few clinical parameters mark out anti-TNF use among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Data from the Scotland and Ireland registry for ankylosing spondylitis (SIRAS)

    Jones, G., Beasley, M., Marshall, D., Gibson, J., Steven, M. M., Sturrock, R. D., Macfarlane, G. J., SIRAS Steering Comm

    Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 621

    Contributions to Journals: Abstracts

  • An unusual case of finger swelling: a case report

    Graham, R. M., Sharp, M. C., Ashcroft, G. P.

    Cases Journal, vol. 2, 155

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Bone, muscle, and physical activity: structural equation modeling of relationships and genetic influence with age

    Lang, D. H., Conroy, D. E., Lionikas, A., Mack, H. A., Larsson, L., Vogler, G. P., Vandenbergh, D. J., Blizard, D. A., McClearn, G. E., Sharkey, N. A.

    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1608-1617

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Distinct mesenchymal progenitor cell subsets in the adult human synovium

    Karystinou, A., Dell'Accio, F., Kurth, T. B. A., Wackerhage, H., Khan, I. M., Archer, C. W., Jones, E. A., Mitsiadis, T. A., De Bari, C.

    Rheumatology, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1057-1064

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Mesenchymal stem cells find their niches in skeletal regenerative medicine

    de Bari, C.

    European Cells and Materials, vol. 18, no. SUPPL. 1

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The intrinsic shape of the human lumbar spine in the supine, standing and sitting postures: characterization using an active shape model

    Meakin, J., Gregory, J., Aspden, R. M., Smith, F., Gilbert, F. J.

    Journal of Anatomy, vol. 215, no. 2, pp. 206-211

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

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