Online Reporting Tool

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Online Reporting Tool

A blue background with the Online Reporting logo, University of Aberdeen logo and the Students' Union logo. Text reads 'Online reporting tool for harassment, bullying or sexual assault'

Remember! In an emergency situation call 999 for immediate support.

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination and will not condone any acts of harassment, bullying, violence and sexual misconduct.
This includes all forms of:

  • gender based violence and harassment
  • targeted abuse based on gender, gender identity or sexual orientation towards members of the LGBTQ+ community
  • racism or attacks against someone based on their ethnicity
  • all hate towards any protected characteristic (such as age, disability and religion).

This list is not exhaustive.


Immediate Advice

If you are the victim of any form of harassment, bullying, violence and sexual misconduct we strongly recommend that you report it, but also take care of yourself. We advise that you do the following things.

  • Go somewhere safe with someone you trust.
  • Document any injuries by taking pictures of them or asking someone you trust to do so. This may be distressing but is crucial if you wish to report later.
  • Have any injuries treated. This can be done by your GP or at A&E.

In the case of sexual misconduct, you may want to check for pregnancy and STIs. Remember you can take the morning after pill within 72 hours. This can be done at any pharmacy or a sexual health clinic.

You may be in shock, scared, angry, or you may not know how you feel. All these responses are normal. Find support for your mental wellbeing in the 'worried about mental health' panel below.

Remember that this was not your fault, what happened was not OK. Click here for more information on reporting.

How to make a Report to the University

There are several ways you can report GBV to the university.

The University will never ask you to sign a document, or statement, that means you cannot discuss what has happened to you with anyone else.

These documents, often called NDA's (Non-disclosure agreements) are not part of the University approach to managing cases and we are signatories to a sector wide commitment in Scotland not to use them.

The following members of staff have access to all reports (both staff and students):

The following members of staff have access to student reports only:

The following members of staff have access to staff reports only: