Apply for a Place

Apply for a Place

Admission to the nursery is on a "first come, first served" basis taking into account the mix of ages and the balance of staff and student parents at any one time. We can accommodate children from the age of 3 months until school age - please see Aberdeen City Council website for school details.

Anyone interested in applying for a place should complete and return the application form by email or post it to the nursery. Email:

We cannot guarantee that a place will be available when you want it, but the earlier you apply, the better.

Data Protection Privacy Notice for parents applying for a place.

We require the following information from you in order to process your application.

  • Child's name

  • Child's date of birth

  • Requested start date

  • Parent's names

  • Staff or Student ID numbers

  • Department

  • Course title

  • Home address and telephone numbers

  • Work address and telephone numbers

  • Email address

  • Session required.

We will only use this information to process your application. In some cases this information may be passed on to other University departments but only to ensure you are eligible for a place at the nursery. If you ask to be removed from our waiting list your application form will be destroyed. Any information you have been sent via email will also be destroyed.

Fees and nursery policies can be found here.