The Institute offers up to 60 timetabled language courses over a year as well as private classes, cross cultural courses and public
With expert teaching, small classes and the chance to quickly acquire basic Chinese language skills, check out our programme of classes, all of which are led by qualified staff who speak good English, who will help you enjoy learning.
- Courses for Adults
- Chinese for Children
- Private Tuition
- China Summer Programmes
- PhD Opportunities
- Scholarships to China
Timetable | How to register | Conversation Corner | Private Tuition | Course Information
Adults Spring Term 2025 Dates and Course Details
The new term will start the week beginning 28th April and run for 10 weeks.
Registration via the online store is now open.
All courses are not for credit and do not involve any form of assessment prior to the course starting, during or after.
If you are unsure which course level to join, do get in touch at If there is no course available at a suitable level for you, there is also the option of private tuition.
Course Timetable Spring Term 2025 Adults
28th April – 4th July
Level Day Time Full price/ Discounted price* Express Mandarin Basics 1 Wednesday 5pm-6pm £70/£35 Beginners 1 Tuesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70 Beginners 2 Wednesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70 Beginners 3 Tuesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70 Post-Beginners 2 Tuesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70 Lower Intermediate 2 Wednesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70 Intermediate 2 Tuesday 6pm-8pm £140/£70
*Discounted price for staff, students and alumni of the University of Aberdeen, and students of Robert Gordon University and NESCOL.
Course materials
The textbook Modern Mandarin Chinese 1 by Routledge will be used in levels from Beginners 1 up to Post-Beginners 3 and is available to purchase from us at a discounted rate here. We strongly recommend buying the book to maximise the benefit of the classes.
How to register
All adult classes can be booked through the University of Aberdeen online store. Payment can be made either by debit card, credit card or PayPal.
University of Aberdeen staff and students need to enter their ID number in order to pay the reduced rate. Robert Gordon University and North East Scotland students can also book the reduced rate via the website and must bring their student ID to the first class.
Conversation Corner
Our weekly Conversation Corner meets at the Confucius Institute on Thursdays 5pm - 6pm during term time, starting the week beginning 28th April. It is free and open to all for friendly, informal Mandarin practice.
For anyone looking to gain a certificate in Chinese, we are a registered HSK exam centre. HSK exams are open to everyone and you do not have to be a current student to register. Please email for details.
Private Tuition
In addition to our timetabled courses, we can arrange private tuition and short intensive courses on demand either for individuals or small groups. The costs is £10 per hour and booking is in blocks of 10 hours, minimum booking is one 10-hour block. The teaching schedule is to be mutually agreed in advance, in general we offer teaching Monday - Friday, daytime and evenings. If you are interested in arranging private tuition, email with your request details.
University of Aberdeen Chinese Language Students
Special arrangements have been made for free supplementary classes for University of Aberdeen students who have already studied four semesters of Mandarin for credit, and would like to progress further. Please contact us at to book directly.
Course Information
Express Mandarin Basics 1
Express Mandarin Basics 1 is an engaging 10-week course designed for beginners who want to start learning Mandarin but can only commit to a 1-hour weekly class. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to Mandarin, focusing on essential vocabulary, basic grammar, and fundamental conversational skills. Each session is designed to deliver maximum learning within a concise timeframe, providing students with practical language tools and cultural insights. By the end of this course, students will be able to engage in simple conversations, understand basic phrases, and have a solid foundation for further study.
This course is designed for complete beginners or those with very little experience of Mandarin. After completing this course, we recommend continuing to Express Mandarin Basics 2.
This term Express Mandarin Basics will be running on Wednesday evenings.
Express Mandarin Basics 2
Express Mandarin Basics 2 is the continuation of our popular 1-hour class series, perfect for students who have completed Express Mandarin Basics 1. This course further develops your Mandarin skills with an additional 1-hour weekly class over 10 weeks. Students will build on their foundational knowledge, expanding their vocabulary, enhancing their grammar comprehension, and improving their conversational abilities. With a focus on more complex sentences and everyday interactions, this course aims to boost your confidence in speaking Mandarin and prepare you for more advanced language studies.
This course is designed to follow on from Express Mandarin Basics 1 or for students who are beginners in learning Mandarin with some experience or knowledge already. After completing this course, we recommend continuing to our standard ‘Beginners 2’ class which is 2 hours per week or alternatively private tuition which is fully flexible.
Beginners 1
The Beginners 1 class is suitable for complete beginners who have never studied Mandarin. This term we will be running a Beginners 1 class on Wednesday evenings for two hours per week.
Beginners 2
The Beginners 2 class is for those who have already completed Beginners 1 or studied Mandarin for at least 15 hours. This term we will be running a Beginners 2 class on Tuesday evenings for two hours per week.
Beginners 3
The Beginners 3 class is for those who have already completed Beginners 2 or studied Mandarin for at least 30 hours. This term we will be running a Beginners 3 class on Tuesday evenings for two hours per week.
Post-Beginners 1
The Post-Beginners 1 class is designed for those who have already completed Beginners 1-3 or studied Mandarin for 1 year part time, or hold an HSK 1 certificate. This term we will not be running a Post-Beginners 1 class.
Post-Beginners 2
The Post-Beginners 2 class is for those who have already completed Post-Beginners 1. They might hold an HSK 1 certificate (not a requirement). This term we will not be offering a Post-Beginners 2 class.
Post-Beginners 3
The Post-Beginners 3 class is for those who have already completed Post-Beginners 2. They might hold an HSK 1 certificate (not a requirement). This term we will be offering a Post-Beginners 3 class on Tuesday evenings for two hours per week.
Lower Intermediate 3
The Lower Intermediate class is designed for those who have completed Post-Beginners 1-3 or studied Mandarin for around 2 years part time, or completed HSK level 2. This term we will be offering a Lower Intermediate 3 class on Wednesday evenings for 2 hours per week.
Intermediate 1
This Intermediate level class is an adaptable course designed for students who fall between the defined levels of Intermediate 1, 2 and 3. Whether you are unsure about your current proficiency or seeking to reinforce your knowledge, this class caters to those who want to solidify their Mandarin skills. Suitable for learners who have completed any Intermediate level but aren’t quite ready for the Advanced class, or for students who have completed HSK level 2 or 3 or have studied for more than 3 years part time. These are not requirements to join, just a guideline. If you aren’t sure, please contact us to discuss.This term we will not be running an Intermediate 1 class.
Intermediate 2
The Intermediate 2 class is designed for those who have completed the Intermediate 1 class or studied Mandarin for around 3 years part time, or completed HSK level 2. This term we will not be running an Intermediate 2 class.
Intermediate 3
The Intermediate 3 class is designed for those who have completed the Intermediate 2 class or studied Mandarin for around 3 years part time, or completed HSK level 2. This term we will not be running an Intermediate 3 class.
Upper Intermediate
This class is for proficient speakers of Mandarin. Students should have completed classes up to Intermediate. They might hold an HSK 3 certificate (not a requirement). This term we will not be offering an Upper Intermediate class.
This class is for proficient speakers of Mandarin. Students should have completed classes up to Upper Intermediate level or passed the HSK level 4 exam. The term we will not be running an Advanced class.
Spring Term 2025 | Course Description | Useful Links
Children 孩子 Háizi
Learning the Chinese language is not as difficult as you might think. Most children enjoy learning an exciting new language.
Spring Term 2025
These courses are offered free of charge with a £5 administration fee per child per course. The new term starts the week beginning 14th April and ends on 4th July. Book a place.
Day Time
P2–P4 Mandarin Club
Wednesday 4.15pm–5.00pm P5–P7 Mandarin Club
Wednesday 4.15pm–5.00pm P7–S2 Mandarin Club
Wednesday 5.00pm–6.00pm
Mandarin Club Course Description
As well as learning basic Mandarin, pupils will have fun, informal lessons on a wide range of topics. These include:
- Chinese New Year
- Martial Arts / Tai Chi
- Traditional Chinese playground and board games
- Chinese songs and traditional musical instruments
- Folk dance
- Calligraphy
- Chinese arts and crafts (traditional paper cutting, paper folding and knot making)
If you have any questions about these classes, please contact us at
Mandarin Club in Milltimber
We are pleased to now also be offering Mandarin Club at Milltimber Community Hall. Siblings can join the same club, regardless of age. Book a place.
Level Day Time P1–P3 Mandarin Club Monday 3.30pm–4.00pm P4–P7 Mandarin Club Monday 4.15pm–5.00pm
Useful links for children
- Chineasy: A site with simple illustrations to accompany the Chinese character ‘Building Blocks’
- Memrise: An online community that uses images to make learning fun. Can be used for learning lots of different topics but it works well for learning Mandarin.
- Mama Lisa’s World – songs from China and other countries feature on this web site:
- Chinese In Flow A resource for practising vocabulary organised by topic
- Digital Dialects A site with games for practising Mandarin
In addition to our regular scheduled courses, we can also offer private tuition and short intensive courses on demand, either for individuals or small groups.
The cost is £10 per hour and booking is in blocks of 10 hours, minimum booking is one 10-hour block. Blocks can be paid for via our online store.
The teaching schedule is to be mutually agreed in advance, in general we offer teaching Monday - Saturday, daytime and evenings.
If you are interested in arranging private tuition, email with your request details.
HSK Test
HSK or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi is China's only standardised test of Chinese language proficiency. If you are interested in working or studying in China, or in applying for a Confucius Institute scholarship in the future, then HSK, the Chinese Proficiency Certificate, will be of interest to you.In-person paper-based HSK tests will now be possible again. We are currently awaiting further information about the availability of online tests.
The HSKK or Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi is the HSK oral test, which can be taken together with or independently from the HSK exam. It is conducted by means of audio recording.
The Confucius Institute of the University of Aberdeen is an HSK exam centre and hosts HSK Chinese Proficiency tests throughout the year. For more information, contact us at
The test dates and deadline for registration are listed below.
Exam Dates in 2025
Date HSK/HSKK Registration Deadline Mar 08 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 7 Feb May 17 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 17 Apr Jun 21 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 23 May Sep 06 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 8 Aug Oct 18 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 18 Sep Nov 15 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 11 Oct Dec 6 (Sun) Written Test & Oral Test 7 Nov
To register, return a completed HSK Registration form, together with scanned images of the following:
- Passport
- Student card (if you are a student)
- Passport-sized photograph
If you do not have access to a scanner, a clear photograph will be sufficient.
Submit all of the above by 4pm on the registration deadline to:
£10 enrolment fees + exam fees (Level 1/£20; Level 2/£30; Level 3/£40; Level 4/£50; Level 5/£60; Level 6/£70). Additional exam fee for the oral test. We offer £5 discount to students, a copy of a valid student ID must be provided.
Fees can be paid via the online store. Enquiries to
Free Preparation
For those who have registered for an HSK test, a free online exam practice session will be offered one week prior to the test date.
Test takers will be able to view their test results at usually 1 month after sitting the test, however, sometimes it can take a bit longer, just check the website again, Confucius Institute staff do not have access to test results at any time.
HSK Levels
The HSK is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely HSK 1-6.
Level 1
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 1 can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies. There are 150 characters on the vocabulary list for HSK level 1.
Level 2
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 2 have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.There are 300 characters on the vocabulary list for HSK level 2.
Level 3
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 3 can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China. There are 600 characters on the vocabulary list for HSK level 3.
Level 4
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 4 can converse in Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers. There are 1200 characters on the vocabulary list for HSK level 4.
Level 5
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 5 can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.There are 2400 characters on the vocabulary list for HSK level 5.
Level 6
Students who are able to pass the HSK Level 6 can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in Chinese, both orally and on paper.
HSKK Levels
Basic Level
This correlates to HSK levels 1/2. The student should have a vocabulary of approximately 200 commonly used words.
Intermediate Level
This correlates to HSK levels 3/4. The student should have amassed a vocabulary of approximately 900 words.
Advanced Level
This correlates to HSK levels 5/6. The student should have mastered approximately 3000 words.
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) 中小学生汉语考试
The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language test, which is directed at examining non-native primary and secondary school students' ability to apply Chinese language in their studies and daily lives.
The Confucius Institute of the University of Aberdeen is a YCT test centre and is able to host the YCT Chinese Proficiency tests throughout the year. The test dates and deadlines for registration are listed below.
For more information, contact us at
2025 Test Dates
Date YCT Registration Deadline Mar 8 (Sat) Written Test 7 Feb Oct 18 (Sat) Written Test & Oral Test 18 Sep
To register, return a completed Application form together with:
- Scan of your passport
All of the above to be submitted by 4pm on the registration deadline to: We will then send you a link to payment via our online store.
£10 enrolment fees + exam fees (£5 for Level 1, £10 for Level 2, £20 for Level 3). Additional exam fee for the oral test.
Examination fee for the oral test: £10
Enquiries to:
Test takers will be able to view their test results at usually 1 month after sitting the test, however, sometimes it can take a bit longer, just check the website again, Confucius Institute staff do not have access to test results at any time.
The YCT is divided into four levels, YCT Level 1, YCT Level 2, YCT Level 3 and YCT Level 4 which is the most difficult. The speaking test is divided into the YCT (Beginner Level) and YCT (Intermediate Level). Each level is tested with an independent test paper.
Test takers may choose test of any level according to their Chinese proficiency.
Level 1
Children who pass YCT-Level 1 can understand and use some most frequently used Chinese words and sentences, and prepare themselves for continuing their Chinese studies.
Level 2
Children who pass YCT-Level 2 can understand and use some simple Chinese words and sentences to communicate.
Level 3
Children who pass YCT-Level 3 can use Chinese in a simple and direct way, applying it in a basic topic in their daily lives.
Level 4
Children who pass YCT-Level 4 can use Chinese to serve their demands in their personal lives and studies, and are able to complete most of the communicative tasks they experience during a visit to China.
Luojia Global Summer School - Wuhan University
Luojia Global Summer School was initiated by Wuhan University in 2006. Under the theme of “Asian Architectural Culture and Heritage”, the programme has been endeavouring to provide an exchange platform for international students to get a better understanding of Wuhan University and China. Students will be able to enrich their knowledge of Asian architectural culture and heritage. In addition, the programme will organize field trips and cultural activities.
- Duration: 24 June - 05 July 2024
- Subject areas: Asian Architectural Culture and Heritage
- Tuition Fees: Waived if students are nominated by the University of Aberdeen. Please email by 6 May 2024 to be nominated.
- Accommodation: Included in the programme fee
- Fees to pay: Airfare to and from the summer school, meals, costs for the trip to SuZhou (about $600 USD)
- Deadline: Extended to 30th May 2024. Please email to be nominated
For more information, check out their brochure.
Wuhan International Summer Programme
Wuhan University, China, 1st-14th September 2024
Applications are now open for summer 2024.
A two-week language and culture programme with scholarship funded places available. In the mornings, a Chinese language course takes place at the university's School of International Education (国际教育学院), and in the afternoons, cultural excursions and workshops are on the agenda. A weekend excursion to nearby Changsha is also planned. For students, this offers an opportunity to experience the vibrant life in the city of Wuhan with its renowned university and to deepen their Chinese language skills.
Applications for this funded summer school opportunity are open to all students who meet the following requirements:
- Currently enrolled at the University of Aberdeen or the Confucius Institute;
- Hold an HSK* certificate, of any level, not more than two years old, or have sat an HSK test before September 2024;
- 18-30 years old and must not hold Chinese citizenship or be a native Chinese speaker;
- Not have previously participated in Chinese Bridge summer camp programmes in China.
* There will be opportunities to sit the HSK test at the Confucius Institute on 18th May and 22nd June. Visit our HSK page for details.
Costs covered by Wuhan University:
Registration fees, tuition fees, on-campus accommodation (mostly in double rooms), costs for excursions and cultural activities.
Costs covered by students:
Return travel to China, visa application fee (currently from £130 for British Citizens, more information on application process can be found here -, meals and some extra optional activities or personal spending. The University of Aberdeen has travel insurance for students studying abroad, however, students may also wish to consider personal insurance.
How to apply:
Email your CV and cover letter to no later than 24th April 2024. The cover letter should include your date of birth, passport number, HSK certificate details or plans to sit HSK, and the reason you would like to participate in this programme.
University of Glasgow 'Chinese Bridge' Summer Camp Exchange Programme 2024
Nankai University, Tianjin, 30th June 2024 to 14th July 2024 (subject to minor adjustment).
Applications are open now, with the deadline for completed applications on Friday 17th May 2024 at midnight.
The programme aims are to enhance learning of Chinese language, increase understanding of Chinese traditional culture and of Chinese modern society. The successful candidates will attend language lessons and lectures, visit sites of historical and cultural interest, and experience Chinese cultural events.
• Applicants should be aged between 18 and 30 years old at the time of the programme start date.
• Only non-Chinese nationals are eligible to apply.
• Applicants are required to have a HSK 2 level Chinese (Mandarin) language proficiency.
• Previous successful candidates of the Confucius Institute 'Chinese Bridge' Summer Exchange Programmes can apply, however successful applicants from the previous three years will not be eligible.
Important Information about HSK 2 certification
Due to the tight application deadlines for this year's exchange programme, we would advise that if you are interested in applying but do not already have a valid HSK 2 certificate, then you should apply to sit this exam as soon as possible. The next scheduled HSK 2 exam date which can be sat in person is 18th May, with a registration date of 18th April. There will also be an online exam on 25th May 2024, with a registration deadline of the 8th May 2024 ( these are the only tests for which you can get your test result on time for application). This will be an online at-home exam that you would need to book and pay for directly with the Chinese Tests Service Website
If you are interested in applying for this exchange programme and would like more information on the HSK 2 certification process, then please get in touch with the University of Glasgow Confucius Institute at
Associated costs
The Confucius Institute will pay for the language classes, accommodation, meals and transport during the programme duration in China, however applicants will required to pay for and arrange their own:
• Visa application fees (Currently from £130 for British Citizens, more information on application process can be found here -
• International return flights and travel to meeting point at Beijing International Airport, China (please contact the Confucius Institute before confirming booking details If you fly to Beijing Daxing Airport, the Confucius Institute will provide instructions on how to travel to the meeting point at Beijing International Airport, or to your accommodation.
• Travel insurance for full travel period.
*It is very important that you please do not book flights, arrange travel insurance or apply for your Visa until your exchange application result has been confirmed as successful.*
How to apply
Please send the following scanned/digital document copies to the Confucius Institute email mailbox by Friday 17th May 2024 at midnight (GMT):
• Completed Summer Exchange Application Form 2024 with attached digital photo.
• An attached personal statement (250 words minimum).
• One academic reference letter attached.
• A photocopy of your passport photo page.
If you have any queries about the programme, eligibility or the application process, then please don't hesitate to contact
Any changes made to the above programme are at the discretion of the Confucius Institute at the University of Glasgow. All decisions taken are final.
There are currently no opportunities available.
Scholarship Types | Application Process | Chinese bridge awards recipient policies |
Other information | Contacts
Confucius Institute Scholarships
The International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship programme, formerly known as Confucius Institute Scholarship, provides financial aid for students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study at a Chinese university for a certain period of time.
Scholarship Types
Applicants can visit the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship application website: from 1 Mar 2023 to apply for the scholarships. The following types of scholarships are on offer:
- PhD in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)
- Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)
- One Academic Year Scholarship
- One Semester Scholarship
- Four-Week Scholarship
- Joint Training Programme Scholarship
- One Academic Year Scholarship (Online Programme)
- One Semester Scholarship (Online Programme)
Recipients of full scholarships are exempt from tuition fees and accommodation fees, and are provided with a monthly living allowance (except those on Four-Week Scholarships) as well as comprehensive medical insurance for foreign students studying in China.
Scholarship for PhD in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (DTCSOL)
This programme provides a scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants should hold a Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages or education-related majors. Applicants should have a minimum score of 200 on the HSK 6 test, 60 on the HSKK test (Advanced Level) and more than 2 years' work experience in Chinese language teaching and related fields. Priority will be given to applicants who are able to provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof of similar.
Scholarship for Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)
This programme provides a scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. Applicants should hold a Bachelor's degree, and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK 5 test, as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given to applicants who are able to provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof of similar.
Scholarship for Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)
This programme provides a scholarship for a maximum of four academic years. Applicants should hold a senior high school diploma and a minimum score of 210 on the HSK 4 test, as well as 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).
One Academic Year Scholarship
This programme provides a scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible. Three types of scholarship are available:
Applicants should have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK 3 test, and an HSKK test score is required.
ii. Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, etc.
Applicants should have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK 4 test, and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).
iii. Chinese Language Study
Applicants should have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK 3 test. Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.
One Semester Scholarship
This programme commences either in September or March and provides a scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible. Two types of One Semester Scholarship are available:
i. TCSOL, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, etc.
Applicants should have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK 3 test, and an HSKK test score is required.
ii. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taiji Culture
An HSK test score is required. Priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.
Four-Week Scholarship
This programme commences either in July or December and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.
Appliccants can choose from the following programmes: Chinese Study, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taiji Culture, Chinese Language plus Home-Stay Experience in a Chinese Family, Special Four-week Programme for Confucius Institutes.
An HSK test score is required. The programme may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group. Prior to the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with host institutions and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for approval.
Joint Training Programme Scholarship
Further information of this type of scholarship will be announced on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website in due course.
Online Scholarship Programmes
There are three types of Online Scholarship Programmes available:
One Academic Year Chinese Language Study
This course of study can be started in September or March. In general, applicants should achieve a score of at least 180 on HSK Level 3 and any applicant with an HSKK result will be given priority.
One Semester Chinese Language Study
This course of study can be started in September or March. Applicants should have an HSK result.
Special online programme
Please contact host universities offering this programme directly for details.
Application Process
Eligible applicants should be:
a) non-Chinese citizens;
b) in good health, and with good academic performance;
c) committed to Chinese language education and related work;
d) between the ages of 16 and 35 (as of September). Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers should not be over 45, while undergraduate student applicants should not be over 25.
To apply, visit the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website where you can set up an account, and find out more about the range of participating host higher education institutions, as well as details of which scholarships are offered. The system opens from 1 March 2023.
Applicants should complete and submit the online International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Application Form with relevant supporting documents. Applicants are required to follow up with the application procedures, review comments, and check scholarship award results.
Scholarship recipients should confirm the scholarship offer with the host institutions and undertake the registration procedures required by the host institutions. Scholarship winners should also print out the scholarship award certificate, apply for relevant Chinese visa in time and register with the host institutions within the required period to ensure they receive the entitlements of the awarded scholarship.
Deadlines for Application
- For September 2023 entry, applications should be submitted by 15 May 2023 (Please check the application deadlines set by host universities you'd like to apply to as the deadlines may vary. Early application is recommended.)
- For March 2024 entry, applications should be submitted by 15 November 2023
- For a 4-week scholarship: for July entry applications should be submitted by 15 April 2023; for December entry applications should be submitted by 15 September 2023
Documents Required
For all applicants:
a) a scanned copy of passport photo page;
b) a scanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (results are valid for 2 years);
c) a reference letter by the head of the recommending institution.
For degree scholarship programme applicants:
a) a certification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected graduation) and an official transcript;
b) applicants of the Scholarship for DTCSOL students are required to provide 2 reference letters from professors or associate professors or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles in relevant fields and a 3000-character personal statement in Chinese (including knowledge of the intended field of study and research proposal). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.
c) applicants of the Scholarship for MTCSOL students are required to provide 2 reference letters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.
Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers should provide proof of employment as well as a reference letter from the employer.
Applicants under the age of 18 should provide certified documents signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.
Applicants should also provide additional documents required by the host institutions.
Chinese Bridge Awards Recipient Policies
Chinese Bridge winners who have been awarded the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificate should log onto the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website and submit documents to relevant host institutions upon presentation of their scholarship certificates. For inquiry, please contact
Recommending institutions and host institutions
Recommending institutions and host institutions shall, pursuant to the guide, provide consulting, recommendation and enrolment services.
Other Information
a) Please contact host institutions for curriculum and course listings.
b) Applicants should be familiar with the specific criteria and deadlines for registration, and submit necessary documents according to specific requirements.
c) Degree students are subject to the annual assessment according to the Annual Appraisal Procedures of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship.
d) Those who fail to register on time, fail to pass the health assessment, drop out midway and/or are suspended from school will be deprived of their scholarship.
Centre for Language Education and Cooperation Contact
Division of Test and Scholarships
Email: scholarships@chinese.cnTel: +86-10-58595727