

Cruickshank Botanic Garden is an inclusive resource for the breadth of subjects taught across the University of Aberdeen, encompassing both the arts and sciences combined. While the Living Collection has immediate practical benefits in the teaching of specific disciplines in the School of Biological Sciences - as per the degree programmes listed below - the Schools of Education, English, Anthropology, Geography and Medicine regularly use the Botanic Garden for teaching and demonstration purposes.

The School offers a number of degree programmes including Plant and Soil Science, Ecology, Conservation Biology and Environmental Science.

The Botanic Garden is valued and extensively used by the Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre - the University's schools education outreach centre - situated in the Zoology Building, on the western flank of the garden. The Centre was established in 1995 and aims to engage local school children, communities and the general public in creative education programmes, with an emphasis on outdoor provision.

Our history