Spanish & Latin American Studies

Spanish & Latin American Studies

Founded in 1920, Spanish & Latin American Studies at the University of Aberdeen is one of the most dynamic places to study and research the Spanish language and the cultural frameworks in which the language is situated.

We seek to equip our students with the skills to speak and communicate in a global language, spoken by 350 million native Spanish speakers in nineteen Latin American states, the Spanish Peninsula, and increasingly in the United States. Additionally, being one of the most interdisciplinary programmes available in the UK, our students gain skills enabling them to study critically historical, anthropological, literary and cultural texts, films and visual culture and to communicate their own ideas and arguments through oral and written presentation.

The diversity of the cultures that it embraces makes Spanish & Latin American Studies an exciting and dynamic subject to study, one which will not only deepen your understanding of other fundamentally different cultures, but which will also sharpen your insight into your own cultural context.