Mr Anthony Glendinning
Emeritus Senior Lecturer
- Email Address
- a.glendinning@abdn.ac.uk
- School/Department
- School of Social Science
Tony Glendinning has regularly published peer-reviewed articles in international journals since his first such articles appeared in Social Science & Medicine and Journal of Adolescence in 1992. Research Gate shows a current impact rating of 23.9. His research interests include: young people; education; health and wellbeing; rural society; social policy; religion and politics; and police reform in cultural context. Since moving to emeritus status in 2016, for example, his publications have included:
- Wang, Jing, Yifan Lin, Anthony Glendinning, and Yueqing Xu (2018). Land-use changes and land policies evolution in China’s urbanization processes, Journal of Land Use Policy, 75: 375–387. 0264-8377
- Bruce, Steve, and Tony Glendinning (2017). Sectarianism in the Scottish labour market; what the 2011 Census shows, Scottish Affairs, 26(2): 163-175. 0966-0356
- Glendinning, Anthony, Yurii V. Popkov, and Elena V. Selezneva (2017). Mental health of modern teenagers (Based on a sociological survey in the Republic of Altai). Ural Journal of History, 54(1): 83-91. [Russian Language]
- Lian, Hongping, Anthony Glendinning, and Bo Yin (2016). The issue of 'land-lost' farmers in the People's Republic of China: Reasons for discontent, actions and claims to legitimacy, Journal of Contemporary China, 25: 718-730. 1067-0564