
REF 2021

1st in the UK

Divinity at the University of Aberdeen was ranked 1st in the UK for overall quality of research


Located in the beautiful and historic surroundings of King's College in Old Aberdeen, Divinity and Theology at Aberdeen combine the best of an ancient university with the best of contemporary, cutting-edge research and teaching.

Theological study and learning go back to the foundation of this university, which is the third oldest university in Scotland and fifth oldest in the UK. The Foundation Bull, granted by Pope Alexander VI in 1495, states that one of the main purposes of the newly founded university was to provide the very best theological education.

Today, Divinity and Theology degrees at Aberdeen concentrate on the study of theology and biblical studies in their historical, philosophical, literary, institutional, practical and contemporary contexts. Ancient Egyptian and Biblical wisdom texts, the letters of Paul, the writings of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Barth make up just some of the things our students steep themselves in during the course of their studies.

Students join a leading, vibrant and international community which carries forward 500+ years of tradition, and brings that tradition right up to date with the highest-quality teaching and research on all aspects of theology. Our student survey results are consistently place us as one of the most vibrant places to undertake your further studies. Learn more about what makes Divinity in Aberdeen unique.

Wondering what sorts of career paths you can pursue with a Theology degree? TRS-UK have created a series of videos (available here) where they explore some of the opportunities available to Theology/RS graduates.




Divinity Staff

Name Position Room Ext Email address
Professor John Behr Regius Chair in Humanity and Head of Discipline for Divinity KCF1 3142 john.behr@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Brian Brock Professor KCF15 2391 b.brock@abdn.ac.uk
Professor David Clough Chair in Theology and Applied Sciences KCS2 2857 david.clough@abdn.ac.uk
Ms Cody Crawshaw Teaching Fellow KCF27   cody.crawshaw1@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Katie Cross Christ's College Lecturer in Practical Theology KCS14 3056 k.cross@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Helena Cundill Teaching Fellow in Practical Theology & Hope Trust Research Fellow KCF24 2192 helena.cundill@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Marie-Luise Ehrenschwendtner Lecturer in Medieval Church History CA210 3110 m.ehrenschwendtner@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Eilidh Galbraith Research Fellow     eilidh.galbraith@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Nathaniel E Greene Lecturer in Hebrew Bible KCS6 2393 nathaniel.greene@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Tom Greggs Marischal Chair of Divinity KCF10 2388 t.greggs@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Katherine Hockey Lecturer in New Testament KCS12 2304 katherine.hockey@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Kenneth Jeffrey Senior Lecturer in Church History KCF2 4276 ksjeffrey@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Declan Kelly Research Fellow CAG13   declan.kelly4@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Grant Macaskill Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament KCF3 3039 grant.macaskill@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Sara Mannen Research Fellow KCF20 3192 sara.mannen1@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Bruce McCormack Chair in Modern Theology KCG19 3140 bruce.mccormack@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Samantha Newington Senior Lecturer KCG17 2274 s.newington@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Paul T Nimmo King's Chair of Systematic Theology KCF12 3120 paul.nimmo@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Daniel Pedersen Lecturer in Philosophical Theology KCG18 3248 daniel.pedersen@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Emma Percy Senior Lecturer KCF23 2698 emma.percy@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Jennifer Riley Research Fellow     jennifer.riley@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Joachim Schaper Established Chair of Hebrew and Semitic Languages KCF16 2840 j.schaper@abdn.ac.uk
Professor John Swinton Professor KCF18 3224 j.swinton@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Melissa Tan Research Fellow   2341 melissa.tan1@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Leon van Ommen Senior Lecturer KCF19 2382 leon.vanommen@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Logan Williams Kirby Laing Research Fellow in New Testament KCF26 3195 logan.williams@abdn.ac.uk
Dr Jakub Zbrzezny Lecturer KCF11 2385 jakub.zbrzezny@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Philip Ziegler Professor of Christian Dogmatics KCF17 2378 p.ziegler@abdn.ac.uk