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Advertisement appearing in Peacock's The Art of Dancing

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Advertisement appearing in Peacock's The Art of Dancing
ID JSS0405
Title Advertisement appearing in Peacock's The Art of Dancing
Document Reference Lib R 7933 Pea 1
Format 200 x 154 mm
Medium Printed page
Item Type Printed Collection
Subject Scottish Dance, Printed advert
Item Description This advertisement, appearing at the start of Peacock's book, shows his solid credentials as a dance teacher. He points out that a main aim of his publication is to produce a significant contribution to the recently established Lunatic Hospital in Aberdeen.
Creator Francis Peacock
Creator Manuscript James Scott Skinner
Editor Francis Peacock
Time Period 1770s - 1800s
Associated Dates: Publication 1805
Location University of Aberdeen
Collection Name Sketches relative to the History and Theory, but more especially to the Practice of Dancing; as a necessary accomplishment to the youth of both sexes; together with remarks on the defects and bad habits they are liable to in early life; and the best means of correcting of preventing them. Intended as hints to the youn teachers of the Art of Dancing.


University of Aberdeen

University Collections