Lepidocaris rhyniensis

Lepidocaris rhyniensis

The holotype of Lepidocaris rhyniensis. This is a half-grown individual showing the multi-segmented trunk (a) and tail or 'telson'  (t) (scale bar = 200μm) (Copyright owned by The Natural History Museum).

One of the better-known faunal elements from the Rhynie chert, Lepidocaris rhyniensis (see inset below) was originally described by Scourfield in 1926. Until recently, Lepidocaris or 'the beautiful shrimp', was the only crustacean known from the chert. It is the only species of an extinct order of branchiopod crustaceans called the Lipostraca and its like has not been found anywhere else than in these Early Devonian rocks at Rhynie. The relationships between Lepidocaris and other branchiopods, its morphology and palaeoecology are outlined below.

Reconstruction of Lepidocaris rhyniensis (in this case a female) showing dorsal (left), lateral (centre) and ventral (right) views of the animal. The egg pouch (e) is also shown (after Scourfield 1926) (scale bar = 1mm).