Available Prizes for Divinity

Available Prizes for Divinity

Black Prize

The prize is awarded annually to the best Latin scholar and no candidate will receive the prize unless he or she has received first class marks.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10006-11
Student Record Code

Burgess Prize in Divinity

Awarded to the undergraduate student who produces the best dissertation in the course of the session

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10015-11
Student Record Code

Crombie Scholarship

Awarded to such undergraduate students as achieve academic excellence in both Classic Hebrew and Ancient Greek, including New Testament Greek in courses beyond Introductory Level.

Awarded every 2nd year. Next award 2024/25.

Value of Prize
£50 (awarded every 2 years)
Budget Code
Awarded through Development Trust
Student Record Code

David Brown Prize in New Testament

Normally awarded in Programme Year 2 New Testament Studies.

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Dawson Scott Prize

Two prizes awarded annually for excellence in Practical Theology.

Value of Prize
£50 each Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

De Gurbs Prize in Greek

Normally awarded in Programme Year 1 Greek studies.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10057-10
Student Record Code

DS Cairns Prize in Systematic Theology

Awarded to the best student in the Third Year Class of Systematic Theology.

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Eadie Prize

Normally awarded in Programme Years 3 or 4 New Testament studies. It must be expended on books.

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Ewan Prize in Religious Studies

Awarded annually to the Senior Honours candidate who has been most successful in the papers in History of Religions.

Value of Prize
No monetary value
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Foote Prize

The prizes, for students of the First Year class in Hebrew, are awarded by the Council of Christ's College.

Value of Prize
£100 x 1 Book Token - £75 x 1 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

George A Sefton Prize in Scottish Church History

Is awarded in the Department of Church History for excellence in Scottish Church History.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10209-11
Student Record Code

Henry Prizes in Divinity

This is open to matriculated students in any year of their Divinity course and is awarded as the result of an essay competition on a prescribed subject. Entries must be lodged not later than the 15 th May.

Value of Prize
2 x £80
Budget Code
(EN) EP10062-10
Student Record Code

Iverach Prize in Systematic Theology

Awarded to the best first year student in the Systematic Theology class.

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Jenkyns Prize

Awarded annually to the candidate who attains the highest marks in the study of Greek or Latin language.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10070-11
Student Record Code

John Bissett Chapman Memorial Prize

Awarded to the most meritorious student in Classics.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10023-11
Student Record Code

John Hope Prize

Awarded to outstanding students in Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology and related subjects.

Value of Prize
£150 x 3 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code
388 (CH) & 389(PT) & 390 (ST)

John Hope Prize in Practical Theology

Awarded to an outstanding post graduate student on the Taught Post Graduate Practical Theology course

Value of Prize
£150 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Loula Solomou-Dalgarno Prize in New Testament Greek

The prize is awarded by the Aberdeen Scottish Hellenic Society and may be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of School/Discipline of Divinity to the most deserving student taking their second course of study in Greek Language in that department.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Payment directly from Society
Student Record Code

Lumsden & Sachs Prize in Biblical Studies

Awarded to the overall, most distinguished, graduate of the year

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Macaulay and Collins Award

Awarded annually in Mathematics or Classics to the most brilliant student from the Isle of Lewis or the Western Highlands

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Administered by Development Trust
Student Record Code

Martin Prize

The prize is open to all final year undergraduate students and will be awarded to the best essay on a theological topic chosen by the Head of Divinity. The subject will be announced early in the academic year and all essays must be submitted to the Divinity secretary by 4pm on 1st May. The award will be made at the examiners' meeting.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10088-11
Student Record Code

Neil Prize

Two prizes awarded annually to candidates who have attained high distinction in either Greek or Roman language, history and culture.

Value of Prize
2 x £200
Budget Code
(EN) EP10099-11
Student Record Code

Salmond Prize in Systematic Theology

The prize, for senior students in the Department of Systematic Theology, is awarded by the Council of Christ's College and must be expended on books.

Value of Prize
£100 Book Token
Budget Code
Christ's College
Student Record Code

Stuart Prizes in Hebrew

There are two prizes, awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of Divinity, to the most deserving students attending the second year Hebrew class.

Value of Prize
£75 x 2
Budget Code
(EN) EP10123-10
Student Record Code

Walker Prize in Old Testament

The prize may be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Discipline of Hebrew and Semitic Languages to the best student chosen from those taking the classes at level 3 or higher.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10147-11
Student Record Code