

Photo of a Van Der Graaff generator dischargeThe Department of Physics is committed to excellence in research, teaching, and public engagement. We are located in the Meston Building on the historic Old Aberdeen campus in the northeast of the city.

Our department is a great environment for learning, with small class sizes and close relations between staff and students. We offer a flexible range of undergraduate degrees, including joint degrees (e.g. Maths-Physics) and combined degrees (e.g. Physics with Geology) alongside a traditional single-honours Physics degree. Postgraduate degrees include the MSc Data Science and PhD in Physics. We run outreach events for local schools and for the general public.

We are a research-oriented department, and we do world-class research in both experimental and theoretical areas of physics, and in applied mathematics. Our research themes cover dynamical systems and chaos, the physics of biological systems, astrophysics and planetary science, data science, and applied physics. We have strong links with the University's Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology.

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