Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

The resources listed below provide general information on job-seeking for disabled students. There are also links to disability-specific organisations. You can keep up-to-date with current graduate vacancies and work experience opportunities by setting up email alerts on MyCareerHub.


My Plus Students' Club

Lots of useful information on the job application process, including advice on disclosing a disability to an employer. There are also detailed employer profiles.

Exceptional Individuals

Organisation providing recruitment and employment support to individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism. Their website contains details of neurodivergent-friendly jobs and information on how to get support via mentoring, coaching and resources. There are also details of workshops and courses.


A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to assisting people with all disabilities get into employment. Contains details of graduate opportunities as well as summer internships.

University of Aberdeen: Support for Disabled Students

Information about the provision that is made for disabled students at the university.

Student Learning Service (University of Aberdeen)

Details of Study Advice Sessions which are run at the University of Aberdeen for students with dyslexia and other specific learning differences.

Discrimination in the recruitment process and workplace (targetjobs)

Advice on your rights in the recruitment process.

Student Support in Scotland: the Disabled Students' Allowance

The SAAS provides information on how disabled students studying in Scotland can apply for a Disabled Students' Allowance.

Lead Scotland

Voluntary organisation set up to widen access to learning for disabled young people and adults and carers across Scotland. Information, advice and guidance is accessible via their website.

Disability Rights UK

Formerly known as Disability Alliance, Disability Rights UK provides support and advice for disabled students. Most of their information is targeted at students in England. For students in Scotland refer to the Lead Scotland website -

Work and disabled people, including support available via Access to Work (

Information on legal rights and sources of support for disabled people, including the Access to Work scheme which can provide support for attending job interviews.

British Stammering Association

Useful site for providing information and support on stammering. The Work section is particularly helpful in explaining what the law says about discrimination at work. There is also advice on disclosing your disability and applying for jobs.

Coming out Asperger

Explores the complex issues surrounding the diagnosis and disclosure of Asperger Syndrome (AS).

  • Author: Dinah Murray
  • Published: 2006

You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.

Association of Lipspeakers

Professional body that represents lipspeakers. The website contains information on what lipspeaking is, how to find a lipspeaker and how to train as one.

Action on Hearing Loss

Formerly known as the Royal Institute for the Deaf, this website offers advice on looking for work and disclosing your disability.

Hearing LINK

Charity providing support and information to people with a hearing loss.

Blind in Business

Charity founded by three blind graduates which aims to help other partially sighted and blind graduates to compete equally with sighted candidates for good jobs.

RNIB (Royal National Institute for Blind People)

Follow the link below for information on disclosing your disability, making applications and obtaining work experience through the Trainee Grade Scheme.

British Dyslexia Association

A society which aims to enable all dyslexic people to reach their potential.

Scottish Autism

Leading provider of services for autism in Scotland.

National Autistic Society

Charity providing advice and information to people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including support while you are a student and in finding graduate employment.

Neurodiversity-friendly graduate employers (targetjobs)

Profiles of some neurodiversity-friendly employers and advice on finding others. There is also advice on disclosing your condition to employers.

iworkforme - self-employment support for autistic people in Scotland

Charity offering support to autistic people who are considering starting their own business.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

Information and support for people with learning disabilities.

Disabled Students UK

Community research organisation, run by current and former disabled students, which aims to make universities an accessible experience. Their website contains links to research reports and offers guidance on requesting adjustments.


Non-profit organisation which aims to connect disabled people with employers who value their skills. Their website has details of current job opportunities.

Careers with Disabilities

UK disability-friendly jobs website. There is also advice on knowing your rights and making applications.

Shaw Trust - supporting disabled people

National charity which provides vocational training, work tasters & help finding jobs.

Association of Disabled Professionals

An organisation that seeks to improve the education rehabilitation, training and employment opportunities available to disabled people.

North East Sensory Services (Grampian Society for the Blind)

Based at John Street in Aberdeen, this charity (formerly known as Grampian Society for the Blind) provides advice and support to people with visual impairments. Their website has a useful section on employment issues.

Activity Alliance

Organisation that supports leisure facilities and local and national organisations to include disabled people more effectively.

Disability Law Service

Organisation offering free legal advice to people with disabilities and their carers.

AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access and Disability)

Advice on disclosing a disability to an employer and information on the WAM programme which offers disabled graduates a 6 month paid and mentored work placement. They also have an GetAHEAD initiative which offers events and information to develop your skills.

Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)

RAD promotes equality for Deaf people through the provision of accessible services.

British Deaf Association

The BDA offers a range of services to help empower Deaf people to overcome difficulties that they face.

A Dozen Brilliant Reasons to Employ Disabled People

This book presents reasons why employers should take a positive attitude towards employing disabled people.

  • Author: Jane Hatton
  • Published: 2017

You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.

Disabled Doctors Network

Information and support for chronically ill/ disabled doctors and medical students. There is information on issues you may face while applying to study Medicine, during your studies and during your training.

Enna - helping neurodivergent job-seekers find meaningful employment

Search for job opportunities with inclusive employers. They also offer free coaching sessions.

Scottish Women's Autism Network (SWAN)

Charity delivering services, information and support for autistic women, girls and non-binary people in Scotland.

SCOPE - informaton and advice for disabled people in England and Wales

Offers employment advice and support for disabled jobseekers in England and Wales.

Business Disability Forum

Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit membership organisation that supports organisations to employ disabled people. Their website has a list of employers who are members of the forum.

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